The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. The newcomer remains silent and unsheathes her sword. She begins to sharpen it carefully.
  2. Sydney watches the newcomer with wide eyes. "And I came here to get a cup of coffee" she mumbles.
  3. The newcomer flashes a grin and continues to sharpen her sword.
  4. In
    draws her own sword and examines it
  5. Sydney turns to face the newcomer. "So so you have a name? Mine's Sydney."
  6. The newcomer examines her own sword with pride. The double edged bronze blade reflects the light and the jewl encrusted hilt sparkles. The newcomer lays it on the table.
  7. "I do however have magic items. That were given to me by mages.
  8. The newcomer hesitates for a moment. Absently drumming her fingers.
    "Redelle," she finally says and goes quiet once more.
  9. In
    "hmmm...." looks at strange markings
    "what's those symbols mean" looks at the stranger
  10. -out-
    gtg for now guys. Cya later!
  11. out


    "We can't call this 'The cafe of magical people,' because it needs ot look normal!! What if a normal person comes" says the stranger.
  12. In
    "I didn't take it from you it was on my back where my sword always is" stares at the stranger
  13. "That means "Valiant," translates the stranger.
  14. out

    lol sorry i misunderstood i just realized u were asking me to translate lol i thought u somehow had my sword and were examining the words on it :lol: lol i feel so dumb

  15. "I'm not sure what language it is, though..." The stranger looks at the blade apprehensively.
  16. In
    "hmmm..... Why does it say that on my sword"
  17. The stranger shrugs. She continues reading her book, and nobody realizes that she is looking in the magical artefact section to see if the sword is there.
  18. In
    Yawns "hmm"
  19. Riddle takes out his own book and starts writing in it.