The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. "Domminious unteto sacharaiz"

    a magical blood absorbing ord appears. it looks just like a normal light, and doesnt arouse suspicion
  2. In
    Lilly turns over the sword it says : killer
  3. shadow cuts himself a little and looks satisfied as the blood is absorded"It works!!!"
  4. The stranger rolled her eyes at the unoriginal idea. "I already did that, but Irin didn't like it."
    The orb dissapears.


    Irin's anger at blood on the floor is an important character trait.

  5. Out

    my orbs cooler then your orb

  6. shadow draws Shadowspirt "mine just says "metekabo" or Shadowspirit in the language of the ancients", he explains
  7. "Strange..." mumbles the stranger. "Fighter and killer..." She opens her books and sees if she can find anything about the sword.


    stop taking my ideas shadow. we r supposed to be original. u take my orb idea AND my spell idea? :x

  8. The stranger decides it is safer not to take out her weapons.
  9. out
    riddle technically it is my orb and ur bubble lol cuz u made a bubble i turned it into an orb :lol:

  10. In
    Lilly waves her hands around and the sword floats into the air and starts to spin
  11. The stranger grabs the sword from the air and gives it back to the newcomer. "Don't take peoples' weapons without a good reason, Lily."
  12. In
    "sorry I was just examining it"
  13. Sydney looks up from her book. "Wow I really must have spaced out."
  14. The newcomer nods her head in thanks and sheathed the sword.
  15. "we should call this the café of magical people."riddle says.
  16. Just then Sydney notices everyone has swords. "Um.. What's going on?"
  17. gets out a bag of robot parts" anyone want to help?" shadow asks, " its going to cleanblood and fix stuff."
  18. "I don't have a sword and I can't do magic." riddle comments.
  19. "Clean blood?!" Sydney half-yells as she stands up. "What happened while I was reading?"
  20. -Out-
    Hmm.. Ok I stand corrected.