The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Jessie walks in

    -Out- where are we?


    She sits down and thinks.
  2. -Out-
    I know I'm just going w/ the theme. I'm just a regular and have no idea what's going on.
    Like ur story Kimber! Make a thread!
  3. Jessie has an idea and runs out to her workshop. As she runs everyone here her screaming "I've done it!"
  4. Riddle walks in and takes a chair.
  5. Jessie runs back in with a crazed look on her face. "Hahaha!"she screeched
  6. Hey kimber, how'd you get the indents? When I posted my story all the formatting disappeared.
  7. I typed it up on my computer and emailed it to myself
  8. I did the same. Did you post it using your iPod?
  9. -In-
    Lilly walks in
    " hows it going guys"
    Can some of you guys read my story please
  10. Yup but I went on the note app to do some editing before hand.
  11. Bored riddle takes a odd round object from his backpack.
  12. Lilly starts to shine her sword
  13. "I need a metal object! Do any of you have one?!" Jessie yells out of breath.
  14. The stranger stares at Jessie, and silently gives her a ring made of white gold. She is used to things like this, and knows it is better not to ask questions.


    gold is a metal right?


  15. Jessie grabs the ring and runs back to her workshop. "Thanks" she screams out of her window.
  16. "Your welcome!" yells the stranger, but Jessie is already gone.
  17. Everyone hears noises coming from her house. "Ouch!" she screams after they here a loud bang.
  18. In
    Lilly puts her sword back
    "nearly Christmas everyone"