-Out- It means your out of the 3rd person text. It usually will be "I gtg" or if u want to ask a question that doesn't relate to the story In means your back in the story -In-
-Out- Ok here's my alt! Lol this was my original name so I decided to bring it back! It will be my warrior one while Spottedleaf2 is my chatting one. -In-
The stranger returns to the cafe, and everybody draws their weapons again. Seeing their weapons, she becomes confused and wonders why everybody is pointing their weapons at her. :? :?:
Sydney looks around at everyone with their weapons drawn. "W..What? Since when does everyone have weapon?" she stutters in fear. "She might just want some coffee"
-Out- Do you think I should post a story here? I'm hesitant to do so because I've made at least 4-5 other stories, all of which were not popular. Also it will have the same title as one of my other stories, another reason to be hesitant. This is the first chapter: Chapter 1: Match Up “Come on Delta!” the coach yelled above the roaring of the audience. “We didn’t name you captain for nothing!” Delta focused on his opponent, everything else blocked out. His opponent charged at him and Delta did the exact same, except he ran with twice the strength and twice the speed. His opponent fell to the ground under him and in less than twenty seconds his opponent was begging for mercy. The audience roared louder with every victory Delta achieved. He never even broke a sweat. “Good job man,” Patrick said encouragingly, tossing him a bottle of water. Accepting it graciously, Delta chugged down half of the bottle, tossed it back to Patrick and ran swiftly back to the mat, awaiting his next opponent. “Go Delta!” a sweet, melodic voice called from the audience. Delta looked up and saw Cyndia who was waving and smiling at him. Delta couldn’t help but smile back and in that time of space he became completely distracted. He hadn’t even heard the name of his next opponent. “Wrestle!” the referee yelled as he backed away to let the match begin. Delta looked around for a moment, Cyndia’s face still imprinted in his mind. Who am I suppose to beat up? He thought confused as he continued to look around. A moment later his feet gave way beneath him and he was in a headlock. Trying to release himself from his opponents grasp, a sudden poke around his jaw line caused him immense pain and the match was over. Delta fell to the mat, his opponent’s foot directly on his back. He twisted his head up and saw the face of Elaine smiling smugly down at him. “That was a fowl,” he mumbled. “You totally cheated.” Elaine helped him up and patted him on the shoulder. “It’s called winning tough guy.” As if on cue, the bell for lunch rang loudly and everyone in the audience filed out of the gym. Elaine walked away from the mat, picking up a duffel bag as she went and Cyndia followed soon after. “Hey Elaine!” Delta called out before she could leave the gym. “I call a rematch.” Elaine smiled slyly and continued walking with Cyndia by her shoulder. “No promises it will be me next time,” she replied as the two girls walked out. “Aw Delta,” Patrick said as he began to collect his swimming gear in his arms. “All my money was on you. You cost me my lunch money. So much for your perfect record.” Delta led the way to the wash rooms and entered a stall. “Don’t worry Gills; I’ll buy you a lunch.” Patrick snorted. “Numero one, don’t call me Gills. Numero two, that’s what you said last time and I ended up eating a sandwich from a trashcan for lunch.” Delta quickly rinsed off all the grime he had collected on the mat and walked out, putting on a black t-shirt as he went. “Okay fine, if you don’t trust me then ask Hector.” “Ask me what?” Hector said as he appeared from around a corner, his hair freshly washed. Patrick fell prostrate to his knees and began to do a strange worshipping dance. “Please mighty football god,” he said, “it would do me great honor if you buy me a lunch.” Patrick glared at Delta. “Preferably not from a trashcan.” Hector raised an eyebrow and led the way out of the washrooms. “I’m not sure how me buying you a lunch would do you honor, but I do appreciate the whole football god thing.” “Is that a yes then?” Patrick said hopefully. When neither Delta nor Hector bothered to respond he began to make a puppy dog face and hop up and down like a rabbit. “Okay, okay,” Hector quickly said, shielding his eyes. “Just stop with the face. It’s just creepy.” Patrick straightened up and smiled. “Works every time.” The trio walked out of the gym, the bright noon sun shining in their faces. “Where are our girl companions?” Hector asked, looking out at the high school campus. Patrick smiled playfully. “Aw Hector. Looking for your BFF!” Delta coughed loudly as he tried to stifle a laugh. Hector rolled his eyes. “LOL Patrick. And she’s not my BFF. And how do you know I’m even looking for her? I could be looking for Cyndia or Elaine or−” Delta held up a hand to silence him. “Dude, we all know you and Lorie are together.” Hector opened his mouth to say something scornful, but nothing came out. Instead he sighed in defeat. “Do you know where they are?” Patrick rubbed his chin as if he were thinking. “We could try the fountain out front. Or maybe, possibly the locker rooms.” Hector shrugged. “Worth a shot I suppose. Delta comes with me. Patrick you can check the lockers and−” but as he looked, he saw Patrick already running towards the general direction of the lockers. Both Hector and Delta shrugged as they walked briskly to the fountain. Patrick sprinted faster, giddy with excitement. So... Should I make a separate thread and continue writing? Still extremely hesitant and sorry to interrupt your RP.
keegan stands up from his writing table and yells" IM TRYIN TO WRITE HERE STFU" then draws his weapon and eats it