How do i get better?!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Ulla117, Dec 16, 2010.

  1. Hi All
    I have:
    6 lvl 3 Titan Lair
    6 lvl 3 Cursed Foundry
    6 lvl 3 Cricle Of Elementals
    2 lvl 3 Stronghold Of Shadow
    2 lvl 3 Temple Of Reckoning
    2 lvl 3 Temple Of Clarity

    What do i have to do to get stronger then that?!
  2. Well obviously u need tk upgrade all yo buildings to level 3.

  3. Wtf.......

    I said:

    well obviously u need to destroy those spy towers and upgrade all yo buildings to lv3.
  4. They are all lvl 3 Can not be upgraed more!
  5. So i dont need Stronghold of shadow?
  6. No i said TOWERS......but thats my personal opinion.
  7. How in the world did u get those stats with only 788 wins!?!?!?!?
  8. Okay nothing els i can do?
  9. Start buying REALLY Strong allies
  10. So allies are doing a lot?!
  11. Ally strength will greatly increase your power.

  12. Hey dude. What you wanna do is upgrade ur goblin spies to level 4. Sell all t3 building and replace with t4. Really to get better it just depends on what you like to do. Spying then you wanna work on spies. Attacking then you wanna work on attacking. It seems you already have some pretty balanced spies so keep up the good work! ;)
  13. Either: Waste your life spending on nobs, get a life, OR work ur way up 2 lb
  14. What is the best way to make more money fast?