Character sign up!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Mournful_Assassin, Dec 16, 2010.

  1. this thread is for people to have a chance to make a caracter for my upcoming book, Long Day Ahead book 1: The First bullet

    also, if you are interested in sponsoring this series post
  2. What type of book is it? Future? Modern? Medival?
  3. about 2050-2200 era
    all must contain:
    Age (9-15)
    Job(freind, bully, etc.)
    Bio: I.E. nice guy, likes to hoverboard, but if you touch his puppies he DESTROYS you.
    support:(i.e. battle puppies)
    it is like future, but mideaval weapons like cybersword
  4. 13 nice guy, likes to hang with friends for me plz
  5. follow key plz.
    nice personality, but too vague
  6. Kk wat else u wanna know?
  7. tiny bit bigger bio
  8. also name
    or ill just name
    him jason if u cant come up with anythin
  9. Kk blue eyes blonde hair likes to surf too and ya i like the name jason so lets stick w/that
  10. any pets/ people that back him up?

    hes unna b in da book
  11. Has a weim and his friends stand behind him when he needs help
  12. Age: 13
    Bio: a mysterious girl who never seems to fit into society. Her personality drastically changes with her mood. She doesn't smile much and has a very weird sence of humor. Will laugh at random things. She isn't very fast, but she is strong and can fight great both in hand to hand combat and long distance (throw). Prefers to work alone.
    Weapon: spear

    so... What do you think? :3 I'll add more if that was too vague lol
  13. nice job midnight, heads or tails?
  14. :cry:
    it was  man srry
    try again tomorrow
  15. ? Lol it just turned "tomorrow" for me, does that count? XD
  16. 15
    loves to practice with his swords and gunblades(sword with gun in handle)
    hes a nice guy
    anything else?
  17. * blond hair, blue eyes, 5'7"
    support: throws a jem in the air, shoots it, thus creating a hellhound that fights beside him.
  18. NICE!!
    you name it
  19. Here's mine

    Name: Alice
    Age: 14
    Job: friend
    Bio: quite shy but can fight back hard when she has to, she is nice and friendly to the people she likes
    Support: small sword on er back

    P.s you can do anything to this character like hurt her kill her or make her love someone I won't mind