The weak must fear the strong

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kasama, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. I've been delving into philosophy recently.

    By which I mean, the phrase. "The weak must fear the strong."

    A somewhat meme line but it rings true. What can beat ultimate power?

    Very little, you could be a person with amazing rhetoric, excellent character and a respectful demeanor but at the end of the day. It doesn't mean anything against someone that could crush you.

    A clearer example would be a dumb person, bulky but has Brazilian jiu jitsu skills and you, in this instance scrawny, no martial arts training but is a very skilled conversationalist.

    You've pissed big, dumb guy off, you can try and talk them down sure but there's a fine line between that and getting your face caved.

    What good is amazing rhetoric, conversational skills, even being logically sound against your immediate demise?

    A truly smart person would recognize the situation and plan accordingly.

    In short, be smart enough to seek power and utilize what intellect you can muster to crush anyone else who wisens up.

    Power is everything. If another person can impose their will on you using power, that's game over.

    Tl;dr the weak MUST fear the strong
  2. What is your definition of Power here?

    Individual physical might? Because while someone can force their will on another using that, that moment does not exist in a vacuum. The scenario you use is representative of a two dimensional mindset that ignores setting, placement, and action after the encounter.

    Power is meaningless if it staves and the one that feeds it escapes or attacks back with a knife or poison.

    The strong often call those who use a gun or poison cowards will ignore the fact that they picked on those weaker than them for so long that the smart found a way to fight back against the strong.

    It ignores the evolution of survival. The power of hate and love, and the ingenuity of the clever.

    The weak doesn’t have to fear the strong, just plan for them.
  3. Na I don't fear da strong

    I fear the vindictive man with a ton of free time

    He's bound to hatch some sinister plan

    And scheme yo down fall
  4. My definition of power here is the ability to enact ones own will on another.

    I think we are complicating something that should be quite simple. Setting, placement and action.

    A bouncy castle, a tropical jungle, snowy mountains

    Like the enemy has their back to you unaware
    Or you are vulnerable in a bathroom stall pooping and the enemy is in front your stall, face-to-face jungle warfare

    Whatever this refers to.

    Ultimately it's just complication that serves only to confuse.

    Everything else appears to be your own interpretation, I can see you've placed some thought in your response, which I appreciate.

    "The weak doesn’t have to fear the strong, just plan for them."

    Sure you can plan, some might say that with enough planning batman can beat anyone. Even a Kryptonian alien but not everyone is a fictional character with bat ears and millions of fictional dollars at their disposal.

    Planning takes a sharp mind and your use of planning here is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Also the majority of people are followers, not people that have the ability to plan intricately against unforeseen adversaries.

    Regardless, thank you for your response.
  5. lol you changed
  6. No support
    BEAST likes this.
  7. Engage with it Rikkimaru. Use the 2 brain cells you have left to have an original thought.

    What does "the weak must fear the strong" mean to you?

    If someone can impose their will upon you and no amount of bargaining can stop them, where does that leave you?

    How do you defend against a being of absolute power?

    If you had an incredible intellect against a big dumb meatball who could destroy you, would you be able to delay/stay your demise?

    It's these questions that facinate me.
  8. Loosely based on the idea of the meek shall inherit the earth. The weak will only fear the strong till the strong remove each other.
  9. I see, so what you're saying is that the weak will fear the strong until the weak no longer exist and only the strong prevail and then they go after each other?

    This sort of reminds me of that animated show "Invincible", where there's this race of super beings called the Virtimites, they went along with survival of the fittest and now only the strong exist in their race. Conquering every planet and forcing them to adopt their way of life.

    A sort of warrior group, like the Spartans sending their young to the forest to fend for themselves and only those capable would return.

    I understand your viewpoint here but I think we're going too far into the future.

    You know the whole...

    Past, present and future.

    You're thinking the future, decades ahead when all the weak are extinct because the strong destroyed them all.

    But what about the here and now, the present?

    You wrote few lines but you did engage with the thought. Thanks for your input.