Clarification about Seal of Loyalty and Oath of Fealty

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Jul 25, 2024.

  1. Clarification about Seal of Loyalty and Oath of Fealty

    During The King's Favor event, we had decided to temporarily remove the Seal of Loyalty and Oath of Fealty from the Marketplace. We have been receiving significant amounts of feedback on these spells and decided to conduct an experiment to see how gameplay is impacted when the spells were removed.

    Updates like these will help us evaluate the effect of the spell and determine how to better serve players in the future. However, this change was not well communicated originally and we feel it may have caused some player confusion.

    This change is only temporary and will last only for the duration of The King's Favor event until August 7th.
    We'd love to hear any thoughts and feedback you have on these spells being temporarily removed.
  2. How about you fix whatever security hole exploit is being used to see hidden allies.. duh
  3. While you're on, go read the automated play policy and start banning bots.
  4. Holy irony batman
    ALPHA, T, Dirty_LovelyDenial and 5 others like this.
  5. I think we’re better off keeping it around, I can’t speak for those who do OSW i’m sure it can be infuriating not being able to strip your enemy who hides it forever.

    But i’m mostly casual with a few systems wars here and there to keep my plunder spell activated when i have the time to do so. From that point of view, it makes it difficult to participate in lowland wars knowing someone can sell off bars from pin, hire an ally and cause me to leak a lot of gold to the enemy.
    BasicsofPain likes this.
  6. Thanks very much ,NOT for making warring a joke now and a waste of time , anytime you feel like it just strip spy builds opposite?
  7. I was going to say the same thing. 😂
  8. Temporary or not the damage is done, spy builds with qs in allies had to sell or not war and for some it cost a ton of gold, if you wanted to know what impact it would have on us maybe just maybe you could of asked us first!!!!! Again the whole kawmunity is punished for some thing a few people do! You have the resources to find them you just can't be bothered to! Same applies to war, alts, moles, double casters and unbalanced match ups make war a waste of 2 hrs! Fix the problem not ignore it and hope it goes away!!!
    BlackMonk likes this.
  9. PS shouldn’t war anyways, learn to cast Hansel.
  10. Unfortunately poor decision. If not just spin.
  11. The issue is this: yall know who use tech to bot/charm farm/autopin and you don’t ban them because they spend money on game. But you’re losing money because having a game with no integrity makes it less appealing. If you ban the players who do such things, new people will arise on LB who will also spend money. It won’t be the end of kaw if you finally decide to go by your own automated play policy.
    Jekyll_Hyde likes this.
  12. The first line should have been feedback to those who chase ee and ask their views prior to removal to see the impact to the EE community.
    While I understand this wasn’t done and now having to backtrack rather than everyone here complain about what was done let’s give feedback.

    1. those who are in osw have or have access to some sort of tech this is widely known for years. So who does this spell affect? I suspect the ps who want to war as ps.

    2. So my advice is if this widely affects the EE community then have the hidden allie spell tied to the WoC spell one won’t work without the other.

    If we are talking about the average player no tech who may get into a PvP ? This issue is few and far between that an high likelihood of them knowing someone who has said tech anyways . So maybe look into making spells available to those who EE war .

    As for other tech use I’m sure you’re aware so no need to go into more ranks about that .
  13. (ATA) how game play would be impacted? you guys knew exactly what would happen. Seems like this was more of a “Hold my beer” situation.
  14. could just make it an ee exclusive spell
  15. Feel like the easiest way around this is to just makes allies not hire able in ee.

    That said, I don't feel like it's really required. Casting PS is just a way for people to avoid having to be present for war. Obligatory not all PS but there are a significant number that cast get their actions and go awol. Imo the tradeoff for that is not having allies. If you wanna have allies, toss up a troop building and be useful as a diver.
    Hebrews_12_1 likes this.
  16. I support the spell being gone forever personally
    ALPHA likes this.

  17. randomly generate a token only kaw can see serverside with each log in tied to woc. problem is currently every players list is easily scraped by scripts. its not a fingersnap fix. its going to need a complete over haul of how player data sets are handled. some key /hanshake that scramples ally names in the player data for example that is only matched on the server.
  18. Not sure what you're getting at. I have always played by TOU. Everyone on this game knows I have 3 individual iOS devices. an iPad, an iPhone 14, and an iPhone 15.
    If you don't like getting smacked, You can CF.
  19. If they did, they would lose the top 10 LB event spenders, and most of the top 100 overall LB that are running 50+ alt army bots for charm farms.
    Which is why they don't. Its all about the 💰💰💰💰💰.
    Seriously I bet there are roughly only 300 active kaw players for an estimate of 10,000 active accts.
    -ViTaLsTaTiStIx- likes this.