Test post

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Aquinas, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. I wish I could dislike a post. how dare you stain this beautiful thread with comments. Disgraceful. Dishonor. Disappointed.
    Milkman likes this.
  2. If myself or ToddBacon had wrote this thread it would have been deleted and graveyarded. For being a blank thread .it seems the moderator's turn a blind eye for their friends .
  3. It’s just cuz forums are dead, it ain’t that deep
    -LovelyDenial and Milkman like this.
  4. No no, let people believe what they want.. Its definitely because Hammy is childhood friends with the people who coded kaw.
  5. Leys adult friends with them. Benefits included
    Lego likes this.
  6. No offence Lego 😊. But I put a lot of brain thought and effort into writing my threads to make them a crowd pleaser . I always go that extra mile for the kaw community . To try to make my threads captivating and fun for the kaw masses to read . It's a dagger in my back when I see it all was for nothing after all that blood , sweat and tears to see them deleted / graveyarded 😥
  7. It’s just a game, why try to be entertaining on forums
  8. Because we're not all cut from the same cloth .

  9. I don’t recall any crowd pleasing forum post from you. Did I miss your retirement post?
  10. The proof's in the pudding . My threads went on for many pages. The topic's kept everybody engaged and gave them food for thought 😊.

  11. Lol, are you still jealous that Deni’s forums get more attention? Listen Roni, I’m sure you put your heart and soul into poop posts, it’s very good for your limited intellect and literacy level. I understand that you’re upset your post didn’t have a lasting impact you felt you deserved, I’m also very sorry you felt the need to get involved with issues that are outside your range of understanding.

    This is not a good way to get attention back, or to remind the KaWmunity you still exist and desire attention.

    I hope your self esteem improves, and maybe someday you get ur own KaW Boyfriends:)
  12. Poor gullerble and naive lapdog Tanner aka Lodi. I don't need anyone speaking my praises . I toot my own horn and for facts. My forum threads set forums on fire with activity . I don't get jealous of no one . I'm confident in my self and my own ability . And I have self respect and morals which certain people lack . And nobody remembers me . I got Warlock on my wall and he wrote a lovely dedication poem on it about me . He is a kaw legend and boss . I was so proud when I saw what he had wrote acknowledging me . And I don't do Kaw boyfriends or internet ones . So you are talking a load of gibble-gabble tanner . Go back to your puppet master for your next input of conversation because you failed with the above message .