🌴🌋 Introducing Time Tangled Lands! 🏞️⚙️

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 23, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    New Lands are here!

    Warriors! After many battles and years of exploration, the kingdoms grow crowded and the time for expansion into new lands is here!

    Deep within the heart of the sea, a mystical land known as the Time Tangle exists. Legends whisper that the Time Tangle was once an ordinary jungle, until a cataclysmic event shattered the temporal fabric, leaving behind this extraordinary realm. Amidst this temporal chaos, a race of peaceful capybaras has found solace in the Time Tangle. The Cogbaras have mastered the delicate art of time suppression magic, enabling their clockwork cities to exist independently from the erratic tides of time. Venturing beyond the protective boundaries of the clockwork cities, intrepid adventurers encounter the ever-shifting nature of the Time Tangle.

    In the Time Tangle, the delicate balance between primal nature and mechanized wonders awaits discovery. Embark on a journey through time, join forces with the Cogbaras, and unveil the mysteries that lie within this extraordinary land. Prepare to be enthralled by the pulsating rhythms of the Time Tangle, where the eons converge and the future is forged amidst the intricate interplay of time and magic.


    Clockwork Tangle Lands Explained

    • Players need to have explored 10 Pallumen lands in order to reach the Tangled Jungles
    • There are 25 lands to be explored
    • Each land may contain 1 building
    • Each building has 10 tiers
    • Each type of building has the same cost at the same tier
    • Higher tiers are more expensive
    • Higher tiers have better stats
    • To purchase lands, players can only spend gold
    • To purchase buildings, players may spend gold or Clockwork Tangled Crestplates
    • You can build up to Tier 10 with Gold
    • You can only build up to Tier 9 with Crestplates
    • Increasing your building CS will increase your charm CS cap


    To help build your Tangled Kingdom you'll be able to earn and use Clockwork Tangled Crestplates.


    To form complete Clockwork Tangled Crestplates, you will need to assemble pieces from both the Left and Right shards. It requires 3 Clockwork Tangle Crestplate Left Shards and 3 Clockwork Tangle Crestplate Right Shards to create a complete Clockwork Tangled Crestplate. These shards can be found in Artifact rewards through Epic Battles or rewards from Legends and Competitions in the future.


    Pallumen Crestplate Bundle


    You can now exchange Trader Tokens for Pallumen Crestplates, at a rate of 2500 Trader Tokens for 10 Pallumen Crestplates.

    Epic Battle Artifact Drops

    Epic Battles have a chance to drop Crestplate shards, including the Left and Right Shards for Clockwork Tangled Crestplates. Pallumen Crestplate shards have increased in drop % and amounts as well and many EBs have had drops adjusted, good luck hunting them out!

    Tangled Lands Legend

    There is an additional legend available from Wednesday October 25th, 1 PM PST until Noon November 15th.
    Assist The Mage in learning how to thrive in the Tangled Lands to jumpstart your progress in this new region!

    Go fourth and explore! (try not to get lost)
    #1 ATA-Jace, Oct 23, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
    Simone, Bert, -_-SCUMBAG-_- and 2 others like this.
  2. This is excellent news
    Trapper_John likes this.
  3. Welp I ain't seeing these lands for another few years
    MW_Reyna, Leaf and Hebrews like this.
  4. 15 pallumen lands??? Pls make it like 10-12
  5. For clarification on the pal plate increase - are drops now more common rate wise, or did the amount that will drop get increased and rate remains the same?
  6. Ridiculous!! 15 pallumen Lands!!! Now bigs will get bigger and smalls will take years to get it. Make it 10 lands to get to pallumen
  7. I dread finding out the price do new lands 😩 it’s hard enough opening the current ones
    Hebrews likes this.
  8. Well this is good news for those of us who got the full price back for dropping a l8 p!
    Shy_Anne likes this.
  9. Love it! Thankfully a reason to keep on playing! Any hints on what EB’s COULD drop these left and right plates? I’m gonna presume the noth/goth or noth/aota?..
  10. Ima happy camper
  11. Only good thing about this is the Elmo gif.
    Venom and My_Pants_Are_On_Fire like this.
  12. Lame. I still have 8 pal lands with 16.6b cs... At least give us new ebs and increase our base plunder, there's no reason to ever spend gold on upgrades when tokens exist
  13. Don’t see any of this——
    In the Time Tangle, the delicate balance between primal nature and mechanized wonders awaits discovery. Embark on a journey through time, join forces with the Cogbaras, and unveil the mysteries that lie within this extraordinary land. Prepare to be enthralled by the pulsating rhythms of the Time Tangle, where the eons converge and the future is forged amidst the intricate interplay of time and magic.
    In the description of lands and buildings…no magic…no “interface interplay”….no mysteries…just more of the same
  14. Well people should be happy now, they have asked for lands and now lands have provided. What more is there to say, I think this is actually a positive move/update.. Good luck everyone !
  15. Intricate interplay^*
  16. Hi hi hi hi yay yay yay yay 😁
  17. Great news! Time to grind to 15 lands now 🤣
  18. Yay :) Thanks Devs. Pal increase drop good.
    -Kratos- likes this.