🏛️ Changes to Pallumen Buildings *Updated*🏛️

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. Ha ha I expect you still belive in santa and the tooth fairy! Pink unicorns and a world at peace! All these things more likely than the devs engagement with the kawmunity! I think we more likely to actually hear from the little green men than our devs!
  2. I think many are still missing the fact ATA has all the actual data from their game and feedback, the best any of us can do is assume anything based on what we see, and I would bet my left umm….bearing…that we are not the majority opinion when it comes to where they should make adjustments. That majority will only speak up in the form of their surveys and not anywhere else.

    There will never be a fix all solution that hits everyone’s desires, which means there will always be some base complaining. But to think they aren’t doing what’s in the best interest of both their business and the overall majority is incredibly arrogant and narcissistic.

    Here’s another parting thought….you want actual responses from the ATA team? How about speaking with a more mature and respectful tone.
  3. Notice if you will most started out with a tone that was both respectful and and not at all arrogant but 14 yrs of being ignored does take it's toll, what the devs do they do for money, this update was nothing more than a money grabbing exercise which I hope comes back to bite them!
    -_-SCUMBAG-_- likes this.
  4. I completely agree. From a business perspective it is a terrible attitude/trait for them to have...A companies reputation can be permanently destroyed over this type of behavior and ignorance. Oh well, guess I'll just keep tapping away...

  5. I understand the frustration from the pvp community sincerely as I tend to agree with most of the needed changes mentioned. But how many years can we keep making the same complaint over the same issue until we understand there is more to it than what we see? The “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” cliche fits best. If anyone has been that upset at this product for that long then it’s weird they are still here tbh.
    I have a post on page 4 that gives my take on it all. My intent isn’t to be argumentative, but purely an attempt to give thought at another outlook. Just need time to see how the next expansion/chapter this involves, unfolds. No business is going to intentionally implode its profit line, and a lot of the changes to these buildings made sense. Especially if there are additionally lands coming indeed.
    But I can respect the frustrations for those not getting the changes they want most.
  7. Transparency and clarity! Two words that the devs do not understand! Oh and lies which they do understand! Had the players of kaw had all the information regards the update before it was implemented there would of Been less of a impact! But no our devs kept most of what this update entails to themselves only revealing afterwards the full extent of the up date!
    Ajax and -Will_Treaty- like this.
  8. It’s a tap game🤷🏼‍♂️ if anyone is truly that upset over how it’s ran, I’d suggest finding a different hobby to pass your time. Definitely not worth stressing over….there’s enough of that in life already and this should be a way to disconnect from rhat🍻 But that’s just me I suppose.

  9. Spoken like a true casual. I suppose you don't participate in osw's either.

    For other players, the immersion is next level at times, those who chase LB, whether war or items.. the stakes are real to them and to many others aspiring to be stronger within the system to beat off other players who plan on stripping your gold etc.

    The reason for the longevity of kaw is not because it's a tap tap game, but it forces real stakes through utilising players' time and money.

    That's why the more serious players are upset over inane changes made by "devs".

  10. My bad.

    I did not know you were in CR.

    I retract my statements made about your dedication to this game and I apologise for it.
  11. what’s OSW?

    It’s not about the level at which one plays, but the emotional maturity to understand when being upset is causing more greys for yourself than it’s worth. At some point it’s good to step back and try to see things from a different perspective. I only offer such insights and advice, if it helps great….if not, then do your thing chicken wing🍻
  12. No worries. I try not to take things personally.😎
    As mentioned, I do sympathize with the frustrations, just offer a different way to view it.
    Resilient_Ryu likes this.
  13. We hope these changes improve the player progression experience as we continue to improve KAW over time with more to come!
    Just reread this! Let's hope not!
  14. 👆 🤔
  15. After all ATA r just Monkeys 🙈🙉🙊🐵🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒🍌🐒
    Citizen_Kane likes this.
  16. Didn’t know about this and sold a L8 Pal building for 3.4Q instead of 6.8Q….to say I’m disgusted is an understatement. I received 14Y Achievement in Dec. I’ve seen every incarnation of this game. I can say without any hesitation that the Devs actively thwart players who figure out how to get ahead. Nerfing P-Wars, Ally Vaulting, Crest Plate Rewards, and now this….what am I missing?
  17. I believe this change was to help widen the gap for "paying players" (aka whales) and simultaneously **** on free to play players. Their previous system made it far too easy to progress for FREE; and that according to ATA was completely unacceptable and required immediate change.
    Hebrews and Dissenter like this.
  18. Yeah, I agree with what you’re saying, though I wouldn’t say this has ever been easy. It might have been early on when there were only one or 2 lands to complete. P-Wars and Ally Volleying made it easy to make money…(at that time billions were a lot)….The Devs nerfed ally trading, nerfed the OSW, and added more lands and higher building costs to make the burden of completion, unattainable without sinking massive amounts of real money into this. Fine. It is after all their business. Taking that into account, it still seems that there’s an active attempt to thwart the ingenuity of KAW’s grassroots community rather than work with it.
    Really not interested in dismissive arguments about this being a tap game, or to suck it up, devs will be devs. The lifeblood of this tap game is its community and to constantly work against them to maintain your bottom line is mercenary and cynical.
    Said my peace. 😂🤘🏽
  19. I wish I saw this before selling my lvl 10 and lvl 8 buildings to buy pal lands 😞