πŸ›οΈ Changes to Pallumen Buildings *Updated*πŸ›οΈ

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. Precisely, once pal is open gold no longer has any value outside of ally hires lol
  2. Pal build prices didn’t decrease by 30%. 😀
  3. The Pallumen changes listed have now gone into effect, ADDITIONALLY we have added the ability to use Pallumen Plates to upgrade buildings to level 9 and 10 now to allow all players to enjoy the full benefits of the building buffs!
  4. Useless that you couldn't announce the pp level 9 and 10 news earlier
  5. You couldn't have let players known about the new upgrades before half of jaw dropped pal buildings?πŸ˜‚

    I mean it didn't hurt me, but I imagine some people won't like that....
  6. The full benifits your having a laugh! Go crawl back to wherever you hail from! Developers you couldn't develop a decent fart!
    maraki likes this.
  7. No changes, why the lie?
  8. Let me get this straight...

    The prices got dropped so people would buy level 9/10 and wouldn't upgrade with plates but with gold, because that was always the intended method.

    And then you open level 9/10 to plate upgrades? How does THAT logic check out?πŸ˜…
  9. Y’all devs don’t address real issues. Just tell us if the game is dying so we can quit now
  10. Because they are clueless about kaw! Not one of them understands a dam thing
  11. Gold for 1-3/4 plates for later levels
  12. Would any of us even have complained if they proposed this update while also telling us we would get level 9/10 upgrades for plates?
  13. Honestly quite interested to see how the knew pal weighting affects wars. I dropped a ton on cr, curious if that'll also reduce my ee weighting 🀞
    Spaniard likes this.
  14. I don’t see a decrease in pal builds. I restarted twice.
  15. **we will be reducing the gold cost to purchase/upgrade all levels of Pallumen buildings by roughly 30%**
    Why level 1 & 2 cost still the same from previous one?!?
  16. Apologies for the confusion as the wording was misleading, the TOTAL cost of Pal buildings have been reduced by roughly 30%, with building cost decreases starting at level 3 and higher.
  17. More people would have held
    @ATA-Jace this should be an easy and quick answer for you to address. No reason you shouldn’t as you said these changes were in effect.
  18. So lies and more lies?
  19. Are we getting compensated here for the misleading typo error information?? :)
  20. do devs ever plan on making pallumen plates purchasable by traders tokens in the marketplace?