Make a stop here if you are a new player, returning player, or just want to learn a bit more about the game! Hi all! Some of you may remember me, some may not. I have gone by a few names in my time on KaW 🤣 During my time on KaW I have always loved helping players - new or old - learn more about the game and get more involved in different parts of the game. So, this is an open invite to wall/follow me to ask questions or ask for advice and tips. I have a pretty thorough and good understanding of the game. I do not know everything but, if there’s something I can’t answer, I’ll find someone who can Happy KaWing all!
Old returning players a few maybe, new accounts as in first time players well thats in the ones and two
Pet: 3b Throne:750 max Weapon:450 max Armour:200-250Max Chandelier:150-175max BotLeft:110-120max Dais:110-120max Pillars110-120max Topleft:100max Midleft:100Max Petfood:100max Rug:100max Side thrones:90max Wall/floor/Banner:90max
Follow me in game. But they combine to form larger crystals which act the same way as charms and rewards - essentially an item to boost your strength!