Help for New/Old/Returning Players 🧽

Discussion in 'Guides' started by -Kratos-, Oct 11, 2023.

  1. Make a stop here if you are a new player, returning player, or just want to learn a bit more about the game!

    Hi all!

    Some of you may remember me, some may not. I have gone by a few names in my time on KaW 🤣

    During my time on KaW I have always loved helping players - new or old - learn more about the game and get more involved in different parts of the game.

    So, this is an open invite to wall/follow me to ask questions or ask for advice and tips.

    I have a pretty thorough and good understanding of the game. I do not know everything but, if there’s something I can’t answer, I’ll find someone who can :)

    Happy KaWing all!
  2. Dneidbsis
  3. Ah yes. I know this well 🤣
  4. Are there new players to help? Why would you return to an outdated run by idiots game?
  5. You tell me… I’ve done it many times 🤣
  6. Old returning players a few maybe, new accounts as in first time players well thats in the ones and two
    -Kratos- likes this.
  7. I’ve had a few players come to me from this post.

    Keep coming, I’m here to help!
  8. Any idea on prices for furns?
    -Kratos- likes this.
  9. Pet: 3b
    Throne:750 max
    Weapon:450 max
    Side thrones:90max
  10. Please help me I have played since 2018 or 2019
    -Kratos- likes this.
  11. Welcome back, awesome tags 🤠

    Zodiac Elites Mercs Passage Foreverrrrr!
    -Kratos- likes this.
  12. Would this be multiples by the level? For example a lv 2pet would sell for 6B
    -Kratos- likes this.
  13. Yeah pretty much. Possibly a bit cheaper than double.
  14. Of course! Follow me in game and I’ll follow you back :)
  15. Bump.

    always feel free to comment on here or follow me in game!
  16. I've been gone for an fair number of years. Where would I be best off starting from here?
    -Kratos- likes this.
  17. I’ll follow you in game. Follow back and we can PM :)
  18. What are thaumalite crystal for
    -Kratos- likes this.
  19. Follow me in game. But they combine to form larger crystals which act the same way as charms and rewards - essentially an item to boost your strength!