🏛️ Changes to Pallumen Buildings *Updated*🏛️

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. At least it gives players something else to ***** n moan about.
  2. Before you start messing around with the perimeters of this game.
    Don't you think your time would be better spent fixing the wars, including ASW, and making new and better Ebs to make more gold on.
    You do not listen to your fan base, you will lose more accounts on the back of your actions.
  3. Drop not only the building cost but drop the cost of Pallumen land unlocks too, A T Ape !!
    xSyn_A-FrogKnuckle likes this.
  4. Devs keep trying to kill off this game but we refuse...... Looks like they are getting closer now 😁
  5. So if my logic is correct, land prices won't change, which means as building values will drop I should sell all my Pallumen buildings before Oct 18 in order to maximise my gold, buy more land, and rely on plate drop to rebuild?
  6. Yes, but more so any towers, with the increase in plunder from lower tier buildings your better off doing it sooner rather than later
  7. Typical ATA.
    They make the rules. They see how players are able to grow with plate drops and it’s a tactic we need to use and maintain.
    So, instead of moving on and making their decisions on next lands, or moving forward, they flip the monopoly table over like a 5 year old who couldn’t buy Park Place because they rolled a 9, and make changes that only punish the small to medium size players wanting to drop the building and get their next land.
    Current Pal plate and jumping I’ve been against.
    But this just makes it way worse in my opinion.
    Those who’ve already been able to take advantage of this for 2-3 years now aren’t affected by it. It’s only returning players who get stuffed.
  8. You presume kaw cares a flying fig? Once the average size account realise they will always be done over by the devs they will be more content playing kaw knowing that at some point soon the devs knock them backwards again!
    KB__Dolomite__ID likes this.
  10. 100+ negative responses, 0 positive ones. You clowns really are showing how disconnected you are from your playerbase 😂
    Bert, -Kratos-, -H4RDB4NDiT- and 3 others like this.
  11. I’ve been mulling it over - I have 21 pal lands with a mix of lvl 7 and 8, figuring once new lands are out I could cash out a couple lvl 8 to open a few of the new.
    Like many are planning, I’ll sell all 21 builds, open the last 4 and rebuild at the “lower cost” of exactly the SAME number of plates.
    This change will not have the intended effect - all it will do is bloat the ally market even more as this just penalizes those “banking” in level 8 buildings.
    -Kratos- likes this.
  12. 1) increase plunder - good
    2) increase stats - good
    3) decrease the price of buildings by 30%? It’ll only good if the plates needed to level up are also decrease by 30% (eg 21 plates needed to upgrade from L5 to L6, instead of 30plates), so players will still get the same amount of gold per plates.
    4) and while you’re at it, do the same for FS too (especially for L9 and L10).

    Pls consider point 3 & 4 and you have a winner.
  13. Surely the best way to improve KaW would be to improve the buildings on the first 6 or 7 lands increasing the plunder, att or spy values in line with the newer building obviously the buildings would cost more but valve wise it would improve and impact right across the game not just the top 5-10%
    Just an idea that could be looked next maybes ?
    -Kratos- and Hebrews like this.
  14. More income from existing lands would be good because the gold sunk on buildings/lands takes years to recover. Plates have made stat gains more reasonable to invest in.
    Like if I spend Qs and my plunder increase is only millions… how does that plunder increase ever justify it’s cost? At least with plates I only pay for lands.
  15. As often, devs blow up something that was working fine for players.
    It's the same prob we got when devs changed the admin system (some can open the door, others can start ebs, some can do both, nobody starts a war so some higher admin positions are actually irrelevant ....)
    If devs think we can easily earn the tens of quadrillions or more required to open new lands, they have lost their understanding of the game.
    Nice idea to increase the stats of pall lands and let us use plates for the last 2 but if devs think we can buy the buildings and new lands with an extra 15 - 20 % eb payout, they are way out. Most can't even afford to buy a new land without destroying a building. If you want to do that, the increase has to be way bigger.
    Plse stop being too creative, treating us like cash cows and fix current issues before anything else.
    Kaw needs devs to help promote clan unity if you want to keep your players here and spending money.
  16. Unfortunately not one dev plays the game and has zero understanding of the game this leads them to close a loophole of there own making to the detriment of the player base, we can't seem to have something for nothing! How many smalls strive to get p open just to get hands on decent gold and do something amazing with their build, for many that first p drop spurs them on to bigger things! Do the devs care? No and like I said in an earlier post, once everyone gets to the point where there know the devs don't care there kaw time will be better for it! Our dev team do not care!
  17. This is utterly pointless unless you’re dropping prices for the lands as well. Won’t be able to truly appreciate the update until that happens as well
    -Kratos- likes this.
  18. This fixes uhhhhh.... nothing. Just feeds the few paying lb's u have left🫡
  19. And not only do the devs not play the game… they don’t even read the feedback.
    I play other games where WEEKLY game updates are made and if feedback is given in masses, it’s actually taken on board. A much better attitude from game developers.
    The least you can do is listen to what is wanted. Bare minimum.
    Ultimately devs, you are not doing good enough, and I bet you know it. There’s just not enough of us standing together at the same time to make a difference yet.
  20. This must be the dumbest idea you have ever come up with never going to spend 15Q on an upgrade when an ally will be a much better investment of gold
    Please come back to the real world