Creating A Gold Sink

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -Kratos-, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. Firstly, please like and bump to show devs you DO NOT support this Pallumen update.

    Following the new Pallumen land update, I know lots - pretty much all players - are somewhat upset with it and do not agree with it.

    This will not create a gold sink for the game. Only LC players and those top of the ALB (those with a much more gold than the rest of the playerbase anyway) benefit from this in any way.

    If you really want to drain gold, take time and just a tiny bit of effort to create a new feature like charms and furn which can only be bought with in-game gold! Even new lands which do not boost stats so much but give other benefits.

    Not sure of what these benefits could be yet. But what about lands that gave % bonus even? % bonus is nothing new and is already super high with furn and pro packs. But it’s some kind of gold sink without increasing stats and plunder made in the game!

    Impact on the game:
    - Accounts become stronger with higher % boosts.
    - Gold is spent so there is less gold circulating KaW.
    - Opportunity to earn more plunder via increased stats is limited.

    Those are a few impacts - there are likely more.
    #1 -Kratos-, Oct 12, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
  2. Bump

    And this is such a simple elegant solution.

    Support 💪
    -Kratos- likes this.
  3. I like the idea of buying furniture with gold, maybe like a special items every event.
    MercilessKim and -Kratos- like this.
  4. There you go. Another very small tweak! Maybe an untradeable spot of furniture? Then that doesn’t take anything away from nobility sales as well?
    MercilessKim likes this.
  5. All it needs it a bit of thought from devs to make simple solutions.
    Especially if more contribute here with more ideas! Please encourage your friends and clannies to post :)
  6. Here is a gold sink. The next lands have a path that you open up to the new lands. Each step of the path is an increasing amount until new land is opened. Or it’s a new quest to gain rare collectible rewards like the mod rewards. If you want the next highest reward you must trade in the one you just got to keep advancing.
  7. Nice idea my friend.
  8. Gold sinks was needed 5 years ago. Inflation is ridiculous right now.
    MercilessKim and -Kratos- like this.
  9. Agreed.
  10. The Devs both don't listen and don't implement any ideas. So what's the point. Forums are littered with great ideas....almost all ignored

    ....ASW...if you need a.monolotjic example