🏛️ Changes to Pallumen Buildings *Updated*🏛️

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. Maybe prior to the legends changes, now you get enough fs plates each event to dump a ton of levels in. (Still not being done with gold of course)
  2. Honestly I believe they should host more player-betas for stuff like this. An open beta would help ATA with a lot of the choices they make with this game if they really care about the inputs of its players.
  3. As a mid sized player, these updates literally only hurt me unless you are going to greatly increase the frequency of pal plate drops.

    a previous comment said it would take about 30Q total to upgrade to lvl 10…I would be a top 600 ally LB if I put that gold into Allie’s instead of 1 lvl 10 pal build. Additionally, it takes me about 7 months of hitting EBs 8-10 full unloads a day to make near 10Q. If you want us to use gold more, then update the EB plunder by 10x as well. Getting 300B a hit on NOTH I could get gold a lot easier and smaller players could buy land and Allie’s significantly easier.

    please please please take into account all the players who aren’t LCBC. The top 100 LB will be fine…but smaller players and most midsize players will suffer because of this
  4. Great news can’t wait.
    -_-SCUMBAG-_- likes this.
  5. I think the changes to LVL 9 and 10 Lands with stats a good idea. But lowering the gold price for something people don't use gold for is short sighted. Only the tops van afford to smash gold onto Buildings. I think lowering the Land prices would be an more beneficial way to close the gap. People will still be stick at LVL 8 for a very long time relying on tokens. But If all lands was occupied then the incentive to max the lands increases. Whilst its suggested its not the intention for us to be stuck you have seen us stuck for years now.
  6. This is going to be an EXTREMELY unpopular post….
    All the folks that talk about war changes and how they ignore the players and do surveys but don’t listen etc etc.
    Businesses aren’t typically in the habit of doing something counterintuitive to their bottom line…..while I don’t disagree that ASW would be amazing to see again and the war system from a matchmaking standpoint is super flawed…perhaps there’s something no one else can see as a player in the game making assumptions on the “majority” feedback.

    I’m under the theory that while unfortunate, the majority of KAWs active player base are the silent PVE hitters that plug along and don’t really post here or WC. With that in mind, there is a huge possibility that the feedback from all those who did a survey actually supported the direction the Devs are going. It might seem like the war community is greater, but it’s been my take that we are just typically the most vocal. In that regard, their moves suck for all those tirelessly voicing their take on our PVP game and won’t make sense even though it does where they see the most feedback.

    As for the Palluman changes, if one takes the time to think it through to end game I think a reasonable conclusion is the intent to reduce available gold reserves before new lands and rebalance plate value in anticipation that the new lands and drops will replace pals as the meta drop source. Same as was done when pal came out vs where FS drops value when they were the go to.
    If they didn’t make these changes, there are many who would be able to drop reserves when new lands come out and essentially be LC or close to it immediately. Those players need goal incentives as well,
    Of course this all only makes sense if new lands drop along with similar plate drop and usage progression🤓……otherwise pretty lame move indeed lol.

    just a humble opinion and theory🍻 keep rocking it y’all👊🏻
    Blob-, ___ANUBIS___, ACE and 3 others like this.
  7. As per usual you implement something that really only caters and benefits an elite group who can afford to spend hundreds per week to gain copious amounts of gold.The rest of us who rely on the resale/rebuild method to gain gold to advance our growth are now penalised with the devaluation of our tokens by 30%.Do you actually realise how long it takes to get sufficient tokens to sell an rebuild to get a good return to actually be able to afford the exorbitant prices of land.This will significantly impact majority of players causing a stagnation of actually growing on a regular basis.you should be encouraging new blood into this game not discouraging it by unobtainable goals for the majority of the player base by cutting the main source of gold income for any chance of viable growth.Or is this your way of diminishing the player base to such a negligible number you can justify pulling the plug and turning the lights off
  8. This change penalizes those who already invested in lands. First we spent current gold prices to buy it while it becomes cheaper for those who have not yet purchased, and now if we want to drop a build for gold, we will get less back for that even though we paid current market rate for the land. The truth has always been that the cost of pal land is ridiculously high. This fix helps those who still need to build but diminishes the investment in land for those that already purchased the lands.
    Bert likes this.
  9. Update
    Warriors, we hear you and your concerns related to the announced changes.
    We understand Pallumen Plates are an effective way for many players to earn gold and players felt like these changes reduced their ability to grow. Our goal was not for players to simply earn less but to change where players earned their gold.

    Our initial stat increases for Pallumen building level 9-10 also included increases to plunder earned, but we're also know how it can take a lot for players to even reach those building levels.
    We've decided that we will also increase the plunder values associated with each level of Pallumen buildings significantly.
    Overall roughly doubling the plunder values, with the most gain being seen in the earlier building levels to give players to ability to earn gold over time to assist in completing Pallumen Lands.

    Additionally once these updates are implemented we will monitor their impact on players and consider any other adjustments if we feel its necessary.

    We appreciate the feedback as we look to improve KAW for all our players.
    #70 ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2023
    Bamboozled likes this.

  10. While this is a start, I don't think doubling Pal plunder is going to remotely pay for the many quadrillions people need to buy lands and upgrade.... 30b per hit for an average sized account turning into 40-50b thanks to that pal increase won't help earn people 30 quad...
  11. Your so called warriors have towers mostly on this land! Explain how I can earn a significant amount of plunder from them? Already the war community at a huge disadvantage playing a ummmm war game that's turned into kingdoms at IKEA! So do I drop all my towers?
    Hebrews, Klaus and -H4RDB4NDiT- like this.
  12. I think this is a massive point that maybe there's a disconnect on with regards to gold purchasing. Plunder from hitting EBs is in the billions, upgrade costs are in the quadrillion, a factor of 1,000,000x higher.

    I currently make ~40b a hit hitting goth/noth. For a lvl 6->7 pal upgrade (9q) this requires 225 thousand attacks. Not a typo. 225 *thousand*

    Even hitting NK, with 100% crux and ee, I make about 200b first hit. Assuming that's all I hit, that would still be a little over 56k attacks for a single upgrade.

    I run premiums solely for the plate drops, as the gold from them isn't feasible for me to upgrade with. This just makes premiums even less beneficial for me.

  13. Right now, a single pal plate is 34T worth of gold when selling a lvl 8 building. A single plate shard is worth 6.8T. Reducing those numbers to roughly 23.8T and 4.76T is such a massive drop that the increase in plunder from pal buildings only and the decrease in price to upgrade the buildings with gold is never going to make up the difference.

    In no way is this update going to help people grow. It will not convince anyone to perform their pal upgrades with gold, and it will only require people to take longer and drop more buildings before they can buy their new land.

    The only people this will benefit is people who are already land complete and thinking about upgrading to level 9/10, since they will be earning ever so slightly more gold and will still need the same amount of dropped buildings to get the gold for the upgrade.

    Again, I understand you want to remove some gold from the game, but this absolutely is not the way.
    Blob-, -H4RDB4NDiT- and ---DRAGON--- like this.
  14. ATA JACE,

    My friend you did it..

    You literally showed us you're so clueless about the meta of earning gold in this game.

    I should've just quit when the writing was on the wall when you all cancelled asw for the silliest of reasons.

    This is absolute and total bs.

    System wars matchmaking is still awful.
  15. If you actually "heard us", you'd take the idea back to the drawing board and postpone the release date of this update until a sufficient idea that has more merit and community support has been presented, not slightly modify the idea halfway into a forum post that presents a whole other list of possible issues.
  16. You presume to much, yes the devs heard us and think a half hearted Ill conceived fix may sort this out, they may of heard but they didn't listen and never will
    -H4RDB4NDiT- and greenyoyo90 like this.
  17. 1./ Offering a pet upgrade in the marketplace @ a certain amount of gold to increase pers to lvl25.
    ( Not too cheap of course but only available by gold)
    2./ Make level 9 & 10 plateble ( there's a new word! 😜 Lol ) to upgrade.
    That's what I would do. Happy days.
    -H4RDB4NDiT- and Trapper_John like this.
  18. Damn it's not a new word at all. 🙈
  19. While I appreciate the concern you think we maybe feeling, I don’t think you really understand what we are saying and there is a disconnect.

    The gold gained from gold hitting ebs “non premium” will not be enough to justify gold used and the gold lost by not being able to get the 6.8Q for pal drops. This will cater to the people who are hitting NK and other premium ebs consistently but that’s not the case for a good majority of players playing.

    Drop gold should not be affected as this is the means needed to try and combat the already challenging situation of the cost to upgrade as it is.

    Now options can be to add higher drop rates, maybe add options to use trader bags for pal plats, something to offset the difference is gold if this is the way you want to go.

    i hope that you really read all these responses and see what the community as a whole would like and not just base it off the maybe 10% of the community that’s already lvl 8 and land complete