🏛️ Changes to Pallumen Buildings *Updated*🏛️

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. Absolutely stupid. Why not do this when you release pal lands? It also makes no sense to lower the cost of buildings, as that’s how smaller players catch up with building and buying lands. I wish y’all would actually pay attention to what your players want, because this is not it. You want kaw to come back to life? REAL SIMPLE. Stop giving out xstals like they are candy, nobody in their right mind would buy xstals when you get like 20 per event. Next thing which is HUGE. Bring back ASW, a lot of players left this game when y’all thought it was a great idea to get rid of the one thing your players want the absolute most. And last but not least, actually Do something about the boys going on in this game. This used to be such a fun game. Now it is a shell of its former self. VERY SAD
  2. We ask for war matchup fixes and we get new crap nobody asked for, plus this garbage:

    "We hope these changes improve the player progression experience as we continue to improve KAW over time with more to come!"

    They seriously don't even understand the game that we are playing. Now they make it harder for mid-level players (who have ALWAYS had it hardest) and boost the highest stat players (guessing they spend) and act like we should do something besides vomit.

    *confused applause*
  4. Bots not boys😂
  5. This is also an ongoing problem thst the devs ignore. Used to have starter clans all over, now I can think of about 3 (maybe?) and they come and go regularly. No new players and not much help for people getting bored with grinding the same event every day...
  6. Another thing that is ignored if they open their wallets wide enough. Inb4lock.
  7. They took a poll a few months ago About what we wanted in KaW. I see nothing of the sort implemented that was on the poll. Instead I see changes like this thay only hurt the player base.
  8. No support from anybody it looks like. I hope you read these comments devs and realize what this will actually do to smaller and mid players. It’s increasing the difficulty to grow.
  9. The real changes we need is war… fix it and bring back asw
  10. This is true that i only rely on plates drops to upgrade🫠too expensive, cant even have the right amount gold for upgrades, but this will only be helpful if you drop the land cost too,because mostly doin months of epic battles cant still have enough golds for the upgrades, this is like shooting a star for small and mid players
  11. And what more you are not focus on epic battles but also warring, this is impossible to earn
  12. You literally just want people to spend more money xtaling on htr to unlock lands lol
  13. This is clearly an attempt to fix the inflation of gold into the game, which in itself is not a bad thing. Every game needs a way to avoid infinite gold coming in to the game with no gold coming out, but I'm not sure this is the way to do it.

    People complain about the ally market, which is the same situation. The mass influx of gold without a good reason to spend it means that people will mass buy allies causing a huge inflation in the ally market. As a result, smaller players will never be able to efficiently hold any decent allies, because the bigger players will volley them so high the smalls can never afford to buy/keep them.

    I understand you want people to spend gold, I really do, but I don't think this is the way. You need to find a better alternative for people to spend gold on, either a form of horizontal growth (another way to become stronger without upgrading buildings, buying allies or charms/furn) or you need to give people a good reason to spend it on buildings. A better option I can think of would be new lands that have a much better good/stats value and that have many levels, like Osmon. This way people can actually see the value of their good directly impact their growth. The only problem you run into then is that the stats will get even crazier....
  14. Again something that was not broke being fixed
    Juniper, Kalthrac, IFA and 4 others like this.
  15. Just leave pal the way it is nubs
  16. My god devs are really morphing into a pack of pathetic losers holding their ears closed and going "aaaaa i cant hear you" now arent they.
    Who in their wrong mind came up with this stupidest of stupid ideas
  17. Ahaha you kaw devs are really special coders. It took you three years to fix a seeming non- issue.

    Meanwhile - "gifting coming soon" when sirs? After my grandkids grow old?
  18. Hey Devs!

    Could you please answer me why it took over 3 years to address this issue?
    Juniper and -H4RDB4NDiT- like this.
  19. Why you tryna sugar coat it as a good thing? It's not.....mid players growth is stunted even more, thanks for your **** ug😑
  20. By dropping the amount made by selling pal you’re dropping the main method for people to make gold in general. So there’s really no difference.