🏛️ Changes to Pallumen Buildings *Updated*🏛️

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. Pallumen Buildings Update

    Greetings Warriors!

    Changes are coming to Pallumen buildings and we want to let you know before they take effect.
    Our goal with these changes is to balance some aspects of Pallumen lands as KAW continues with long term health in mind.

    These changes will happen on Wednesday, October 18th, roughly alongside the launch of the next event.

    The Changes

    Alongside the below listed changes we have also enabled Pallumen buildings level 9 and 10 to be upgraded using Pallumen Plates now

    Pallumen building costs have always been the highest in the game, as they were intended to give players long term progression goals. However, because of their high cost in gold, most players only upgrade buildings with Pallumen plates which isn't intended.
    To combat this, we will be reducing the total gold cost to purchase/upgrade Pallumen buildings by roughly 30%
    *Important to note this will also affect the sell value of these buildings

    The amount of additional Plunder players earned from having Pallumen buildings felt less impactful then previous lands. While reducing building cost and sell value we also want to increase players ability to gain gold as they unlock and upgrade Pallumen.
    Additional Plunder earned by Pallumen buildings will be increasing significantly, roughly doubling with the most significant gains being at the lower level of Pallumen buildings.

    Additionally because Pallumen Plates were the best way to upgrade buildings and players could only use plates to upgrade their buildings to level 8, we've seen few players fully complete level 10 buildings. Given the cost issues above we understand why this is the case but we want players to feel good about fully upgrading their buildings and feel powerful for doing so.
    To incentivise this we will be increasing the stats for level 9 and level 10 Pallumen buildings by roughly 10-15%

    Finally a more minor change is that as you upgrade buildings, the amount of Gold one can purchase for Nobility Points in the Oracle would increase, this was not increased for Pallumen lands however.
    Pallumen building progression will now continue to scale how much gold can be purchased for 15 Nobility in the Oracle.

    We hope these changes improve the player progression experience as we continue to improve KAW over time with more to come! :)

    #1 ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2023
  2. Is this price reduction applied to pal lands as well or just buildings?
  3. This is only affecting the Pallumen buildings
  4. Aye this update is just nerfing smaller people, why y’all finally do an update like this 3 years after it comes out. Now it’s gonna be harder for small accounts to get gold if lvl 8 pal drop isn’t 6.85q and turns into 5q or something. This is not a good update unless y’all plan on adding new lands that are cheap
  5. I think with this, it only makes sense to also drop land prices.

    This only really benefits those who are mostly land complete already. It means most smaller players will see pallumen lands as fairly unreachable. A common way for many players to afford new lands is to drop level 8s.

    Interested to hear other’s thoughts on this matter as well as an ATA response 🧽👍🏼
    xSyn_WildKnight, ABR, Bert and 13 others like this.
  6. Plunder for lvl 9,10 go up as well ?
    -WENCH-og likes this.
  7. 15% stat boost is about the only thing that makes sense in this.
    Reducing gold recovered from drop is dumb and punishes people who already sacrificed stats for build.

    Unlock plate upgrades for 9-10 if you want people to finish. Quit nuking the game and use some common sense.
    Stimpy, Zamzamar, Bert and 15 others like this.
  8. This is a horrible idea for smaller players trying to use plates to get gold, plus give more of advantage to the giant tier players…

    Psst. Hey devs. Craaaaaaazy idea for ya:

    Zack-, ptolemy, PrInCeAiDaN and 19 others like this.
  9. I do agree with this - decreasing the amount given via drop will only stunt the mid sizes player growth further. I understand the goal is to encourage players who are already built to continue, however that shouldn't be at the expense of pushing the midsized player further away from reaching that goal.
  10. Yeah..while I love to see an actual update, I don't feel like this addresses the stated issue and honestly just worsens it.

    Pal prices are already insane. Even with a 30% drop I can't see them being bought for gold apart from the first level or two as it's simply more efficient to put that gold elsewhere. It's still going to be a plate upgrade system, this change will just further handicap those not bc due to receiving less gold for dropping. It feels like there is a disconnect on how fast gold is acquired, where for a lot dropping a pal lvl8 for the 6.8q can equate to literally months of epic battle hitting to reach that same amount.

    Even the level 9/10 changes...I mean sure Solve will grow a couple hundred mcs but the amount of build strength gained by investing that same amount into allies makes it seem like why bother?

    Won't even touch the nob thing because that values been a joke since abyss released.
    MH-StealthGoat, IFA, Vass and 12 others like this.
  11. I feel like this update was very long overdue and at this point just hurts the small players trying to grow who use the pallumen plates for gold.
  12. Sorry devs. No support
  13. This is only gonna hurt small to mid sized players. I wish you people asked for feedback before pushing this update.
  14. I’ll have what you all are smoking.
  15. Damn apes on drugs
  16. Agree with this👍 Rather change price on build or drop rate beter to change on land price. But add building stat on lv9 n lv10 is good idea coz that make ppl think twice to drop with that increase stat.
  17. This literally makes NO SENSE. This HURTS mid to small players A LOT. This Literally only helps big players get more powerful. Y’all need to take a poll before you do stuff like this smh.
  18. I kid you not, this is one of the WORST things y’all could implement. It’s already annoying trying to grow in this game the way it requires money and lots of time. Now u make it harder on new players while also giving big players more stats? Bruh what??
  19. Figured I'd drop some numbers in as a comparison.

    Level 8->9 pal is currently 21.4q for a 50.27mcs stat increase. With the proposed changes you're looking at 14.98q for 57.8mcs (using the optimistic 15%) if the buff applies to marginal cs, or l35mcs if the buff applies to the total building strength - I highly doubt this but even using such an extreme, that 135mcs *dynamic* build strength is matched by a 6.75bcs ally (2.89bcs if marginal), which is multitudes less than you'd get in a 15q ally - and allies are static.

    The reason people aren't going level 9/10 is because the gold efficiency is terrible. Slight padding doesn't change that. If you want to see more level 9 and 10s, they need to become buyable with plates.

    There's a reason for the mantra of "gold into lands and allies, plates for upgrades", because it's quite frankly the only viable way to grow in any sort of reasonable time frame.
  20. Reality is there are no small players anymore because the devs aren’t attracting new players. When they do, they’re not keeping them.

    The only reason for this is to make gold more relevant and plates less in hopes that we’ll buy more xstals and run more premiums.

    Why does it feel like every “update” you release benefits you and very rarely us, your player base?