End of KaW?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Hebrews_12_1, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. As we all have seen for the past years, the developers have ignored just about every request/idea we send them. We tell them what we want in this game and they seem to do the opposite. Years and years ago you could ask the devs for a feature and they would actually consider it. Now the devs say “we will pass this along” and do nothing. I have come to the conclusion that KaW developers have given up on the game. It seems to just be money grabbing promos now. No new advancements in war types, war rewards, epic battles, anything involving mithril, events etc.

    Devs don’t comment on forum posts anymore. They simply just post the “new” event every two weeks which is the same collection event with different colors.

    ASW was taken away from us. Seasonal wars were taken away from us.

    it seems the fun of KaW is dead now. Perhaps it’s close to the time we all retire.
  2. If the devs don’t have someone able to code new changes, it would be best they are honest with us and tell us. So that we stop wasting time suggesting things to never come.
    -H4RDB4NDiT- and HanSolo like this.
    HanSolo likes this.
  4. Looking at how poorly designed the market tab is it should be clear they don’t have anyone improving the game.
    -H4RDB4NDiT- and HanSolo like this.
  5. I believe KaW no longer has a dedicated developer team, it's a mashup from mainly the PIMD/Single city game. These developers don't understand the game well enough are very dissociated with the game. This game is only being run by the same community and returning players that pop up once in a blue moon. They no longer advocate or cater for new players, compared to heckfire or PIMD which are very beginner friendly.
  6. This is truly facts. This game has went way downhill. They're more focused with creating new games and cross over events. Than working on the already existing issues. Why do they not have cross over for Kaw? Get others from different ATA games to come to kaw? Single City is just another washed out Pimd Game. Seems they cater more to the pedo creep talks on those types of games. Make Wars great again. Tired of Devs creating events to chase just to screw the community in the end. And send same copy and paste response thanking us for our feed back but do the exact opposite. They Scammed all of us On the Event Tournament Hoarfrost versus Fate sand.
    -H4RDB4NDiT- and Hebrews_12_1 like this.
  7. Well android marketplace actually looks good
  8. KAW is dead unfortunately the devs have not squeezed the last penny out of the players yet when that happens we will wake to no kaw, they will pull the plug over nite!
    -H4RDB4NDiT- and Hebrews_12_1 like this.
  9. This is sadly a sentiment that has been echoed throughout kaw for years and coming back to kaw after some years. On and off. I have noticed the shift in attitudes toward kaw and dev team. The changes that has been happening is developing towards growth over goals. To no clan loyalty, To nothing more than promos and chasing stats. Kingdoms at war. Has become less impactful or unique as it used to be. I understand why a decision for a free to play game to adding a function to support and help their development team. Is fine. As long as there is changes or communication to highlight and provide feedback to the community. The community that has played their game and supported their game to turn it into what it is.

    • aqua is short supply compared to inferno. If there is chance at failure. Why make it hard to get? Especially as majority of equipment gets turned into charms. Which lead to charms becoming a currency.
    • All Star Wars which bought the game together to watch and support friends and leaderboard players fight. As left people not feeling the needs to be leaderboard. Or feel that the devs abandoned a critical aspect of the year. As it was a team to show off. Could literally of turned it into a “support your team by buying a certain banner” then maybe all the people who supported the winning team. Got a charm
    • gold has lost value. Due to inflation of new lands. So either increase gold or give gold other uses.
    • Clan loyalty was a Huge thing, for this game to survive. With event ebs. It has left people just chasing items. So why not encourage people to stay in clan. Maybe an increased dropped rate after so many hours in clan? Or even a new set of ebs with more complex mechanics. Or requirements to complete. In turn. You could remove some unused or unnecessary ebs. Could even do an event to say good bye to certain ebs.
    • Feed back. Dev team needs to maybe release more future looks, more this week at thinking ape.
    In overall the game at the core is still here and so many are willing to stick at the game or return to the game. If the game was being developed in consistent and stable manner

    I understand especially with apple, it takes a while for app changes to be verified and released. So it maybe not be a fast process but if there was some sort of community connection. Where the devs can connect with kaw and share their ideas. Or even just get an understanding of what the people want. As there’s many of people who compliments are valid and can be helpful for the community. That can be easily solved.

    Along with removal of items, cleaning up the old code. The streamlining of this game into more fluid form. As there’s a lot of things in game that can be fleshed out more or used in different ways. The main thing is we need some sort of clarity and consistency from the dev team. Especially if they don’t want it to die.
  10. Especially if they don't want it to die? You presume the devs don't want it to die? Right now can you think of many reasons why the devs don't want it to die? It is an old platform game way past it's intended sell by date, the game devs have moved on to more lucrative games and put minimum effort into kaw, as little dev they can get away with. As long as the spenders keep spending they will let kaw tick over, one of the biggest complaints has to be clan loyalty so to help the kawmunity with this issue the devs base a side legend on exactly the thing we want to discourage! The main legend at 100k is only possible by hopping even bigs need to hop to finish it! Everything that needs to be done the devs do the opposite! Can anyone else see the trend? We f2p will tap away to the end with little to lose or show for it the spenders however well they will feel a little miffed I think
    -_-SCUMBAG-_- and Hebrews_12_1 like this.