How about a 10x crux you buy with nobs?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -SilentKnight-, Sep 20, 2023.

  1. I dont mind spending some money to level up. That said, i’ve gotten too lazy to leave clan to do premium eb’s. How about selling us something that allows us to get premium eb results while still hitting a normal eb? 100 nob points for something that gives you x10 results per hit or something like that? Basically like the blue or gold crux on steroids.
    -WENCH-og and Natalia like this.
  2. God this makes so much sense the Devs might actually do it. I hope they don't. But if they're going to introduce anything it'd be that
    -WENCH-og likes this.
  3. I support this. I suggested something similar a while back, though no fans of my ideas. We don't have premium clans 24/7 any more, so we can't even leave to join one for a bit when we want to. The trend is for blitz type trains which cool, too, though. The tough thing for the devs is getting something that isn't exploitable by farmers. Maybe a one purchase per event item?
  4. It would be so simple. Make something you can buy with nobs that gives you 10x on your plunder in any eb.. you wouldn’t have to go find premium eb’s anymore. Probably good that they haven’t done it or id be back to spending a lot of money on this game. Lol
  5. TO THE DEVS: You’re goal is to make money on this game. To do that you need to make it convenient and enticing to spend real money to grow. Premium eb’s are not convenient. We need to set out to find one and it’s a pain. The 10x crux idea makes it so we can spend money to grow anytime we want. It would seem like the mechanics of it would take no time at all to introduce. Why not try it for a weekend and see what kind of $ you generate?
  6. Any thoughts on this idea anyone? Id buy nobs like crazy if i could stay in clan and get premium eb level gold on a regular eb.
  7. The fact that no one who represents the game has ever chimed in on this idea tells me they probably don’t even read the ideas section of the forum. Waste of breath. Too bad as I’d actually like a reason to spend money to grow again. Used to love the old “p-war” days. Spent a LOT of money growing this account to OSF. Oh well…keep grinding the free growth I guess.
  8. I would rather stay in clan than jump and do events and the such. Claim jumping is fun to do once every few months. Not a few times every 2 weeks.
  9. no that is ridiculously dumb
  10. 10x crux would be used on premium ebs, so the rich get bigger, faster. I'd love some way to get more gold, or more event items so I don't have to clan jump to hit 100k on a slow event, but I don't think 10x crux is the answer.