⚔️ New Plunder Battle PvP Competition ⚔️

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Aug 17, 2023.

  1. New Plunder Competition

    Greetings Warriors!

    We're happy to announce a new competition focused on PvP where the goal is to gather as much Plunder as you can while as protecting your gold from others!

    To start things off we'll be running a limited series of competitions between Thursday , August 17th 9 AM Pacific Time until Friday, August 18th, 2023 at 1 PM Pacific Time. Each lasting 4 hour and having a 4 hour break before the next one starts. This will be a trial run to sort out any issues that might occur and to get feedback for the future.

    The exact schedule for these are (in PST time):
    • Thursday Aug 17 — 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
    • Thursday Aug 17 — 5:00 PM-9:00 PM
    • Friday Aug 18 — 1:00 AM-5:00 AM
    • Friday Aug 18 — 9:00 AM-1:00 PM


    A players score for this competition is based off Net Plunder your kingdom has earned within the duration of the competition.

    Gaining Points
    Players gain points equal to Plunder earned from successful Attack and Steal actions. The point value is 1 = 1 ratio with Base Plunder earned from Attacks and Gold Stolen from Steals, this will include any bonuses that increase Plunder and Gold Stolen but not include Allies Bonus.

    Losing Points
    Additionally the amount of points you lose when Attacked or Stolen from will be based on the values the attacker receives for Base Plunder and Gold Stolen. This can be different then the amount of gold you lost from an action.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Its time to see which kingdom is the best at plundering and we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

    #1 ATA-Jace, Aug 17, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2023
    poTaYto and Nov like this.
  2. Yet you still ignore the issues with war! Nero fiddled while Rome burnt, the devs seem to copy and paste a lot of dumb idea while kaw burns
  3. Do you sign up for this or is it purge style free-for-all?
  4. Very cool comp so far. May I recommend using a base 10 power system for the point totals so your not looking at a dozen digits lol
    Kalthrac likes this.
  5. Rewards are not worth anything lol
  6. You noob, do you need to be that incentivized to throw your spies at some random in wc?
  7. I’m not in OSW like you are lol. PvP isn’t my thing really anymore. While you hit people I’m hitting noth/goth 😜
  8. Big fan of this update, competitions in general are kinda cool but this one takes the cake.

    I do however feel like the banana emoji spell should be extended when you win a new one though, or at the very least it should supersede the existing one.

    I’ve won the spell a few times since originally winning it and the timer hasn’t changed, not sure if it’s something you guys have thought about?
  9. Idk what we could do but I would be interested in seeing what kinda of competition we could do for non frequent spenders. I’m aware it’s unlikely bc KaW only cares about cash but what would the options be that don’t require seals, chimes or xtals, ya know?