The Shadofael: Banners and Battle Pass!

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Appa, Aug 5, 2021.

  1. Or simply, anything requiring outlay of Nobs: Royal chests, palace furnishings, seals, and charms, have more of a count than 50. It’s like it was mathematically contrived to deliver the least. I’m a total sucker, thinking ATA, might have had some conscience. It’s really infuriating. Level 2 and 7600 after all the attention I gave this: 🤔🥴
    Ajax and Falco like this.
  2. Like my post if you want a refund on the Battle Pass.
    -H4RDB4NDiT-, Tez, BobSagget and 3 others like this.
  3. Sure would be nice to be able to upgrade. Do we know when to expect more banner items?
  4. 2023
    kbaby05, Tez and I_Nymeria_l like this.
  5. Still, if the devs read this, I'm sure many would appreciate non-cookie cutter events like this with more frequency over the coming year. Make it interesting and keep us on our toes.
  6. Hi devs is this something thats forgotton or are you still working on it? @ATA-Will
    -H4RDB4NDiT- and Tez like this.
  7. Can this please be brought back and make it achievable to get banner upgraded fully. I missed this event and want to participate
    kbaby05 and Tez like this.
  8. Bump! 6 month anniversary of the last opportunity to get this banner upgraded will be after the current event. Folks with full participation need another 13 levels to get to the promised level 16. Just sayin’ 😅
    Tez and Thrawn like this.
  9. More like 14 levels. Not everyone was lucky enough to get lvl 3 even with full participation
  10. Hello KaW devs & co
    It was ok sending decent rose drops for collecting shadowfael banners chests through the WB ebs which is freely available for ALL OF KAW PLAYERS thats a good idea from Holms. But i dont like the drops for banner chests leaderboard idea!. So i am suggesting instead of making a separate banner LB why not make the banner event so like the first time when it was introduced to the game? because all of KaW is definitely going to work for a whole lot of drops to get a whole lot of banner chests to upgrade the new banners to max lv16 & cut out the drops for banner leaderboard thing!. And like how all players r going to need alot of chests you should include the banner side legends wth the normal side legends too & not just for a few days but from the start of every events to finish or every 14 days. Still using the Calydor ebs to give some decent drops for banner chest would also be a great idea, but not to make it a leaderboard thing.. because of this i wasted & loose all my imperial seerstones. Dear KaW devs & co please take my suggestion into consideration & make drops for banner chests more better in next event, thanks alot for reading this.
  11. Hey there ATA! Just a reminder that the 1 year anniversary of this level 16 banner announcement is coming up next month if you still needed to do some planning to give us the opportunity to realize what you promised. :)
  12. What if you already have banners?from past event?
  13. It’s very strange how I dont see the rewards from Field Marshal Holm side legend! I completed the 75 actions on epic battle!
  14. Turns out you were being quite optimistic. A more realistic aim at the current rate would be lvl 16 by August of 2030.

    As long as you don't miss any of the events and complete them fully.
  15. We down bad bro

  16. Oct 8th 2022 only at lvl 3 😁
  17. I've got lv6, and have completed all (I think) legends to date that have offered war barons chests as rewards.
  18. Liar 🤥
    kbaby05 likes this.
  19. Trying to upgrade my hawkspur but it says I need to remove an item? Any thoughts?