πŸ”’ 2-Factor Authentication! πŸ”’

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Beans, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. Yes, each and every time, you see the devs wish to make the game more of a CHORE than it currently is! So rather than address the shoddy servers or the blatant bots and cheats or the in game issues that we have asked for they did this! I hope that answers your question adequately? If not consider this! Will it make your game time harder? If you answered yes than the devs achieved their aim
    -winger- and MM--CONTROL--MM like this.
  2. Guess they want to kill their game. I wonder how many playera even bothered to read the forum thread on dev's "wonderful" (not) idea.
    -winger- and MM--CONTROL--MM like this.
  3. I use 2F for work. It is a pain. The business does it to protect its digital assets. The value of the asset is more important than end employee user experience, I get that.. But this is a game. 2F kills the user experience, the ease of login and play. No one wants to spend time flopping back and forth between email and the app to PLAY a GAME.. It may seem a good idea to the one that came up with this, but think in the end ATA the revenue will speak LOUD and clear if 2F is a good move for your business...
    sweetolive and MM--CONTROL--MM like this.
  4. Have you thought about making a game that doesn't tailor to botting/alts? Just an idea.
  5. They say money talks and having chatted to another player here she told me on one of the other games she played the devs were causing issues so they as a group refused to spend any money untill the issue was resolved!! Maybe we need to get together and use our spending power to make this game better, not just this issue but all the others as well.
  6. Good idea!
    Also if nobody does the 2F steps, they cant implement it as no player base.
    MM--CONTROL--MM likes this.
  7. Ive played kaw pretty religously for nearly 10 years and had a number of alts just for fun. Dropping the pc access killed of moost of my alts and that activity . I just cant be botheted with 2 part verification the day thst arrives will be the end for me im afraid tks KAW
  8. This hasn't started on Android as of yet. So you shouldn't be locked out yet, and you'd only get locked out of an account if and when you log out of it.
    If you do get locked out, whichever account you are logged into can submit the ticket, or if you create a new account briefly and submit a ticket we can help from there!

    Purchase records are valuable as they significantly help us prove ownership. There should typically be email records for any purchase, or if they were made through apple or google you can find them here:
    https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT2...ccount menu at,Recent Purchase, click See All.

    Hope this helps!
  9. Nope, its once every 30 days per account per device on login. So just every once in a while once you do it initially.
    Thrawn likes this.
  10. Hi Monkey,
    Ensuring the safety of our players accounts is an important piece here. Too frequently we hear cases of trusting the wrong people and account sharing gone wrong (yes this is why its against the rules), and 2FA will help folks keep their accounts safe. It will also help in hindering botters/cheaters, so this change will actually help address the things you are currently concerned with!

    I hope this perspective helps!
  11. Devs, I'm appealing to your sense of reason. This change will be devastating to the game. Not only for alts, but also average players who don't want this hassle every month. While account security is serious, I don't feel it appropriate to punish the masses for the action of a few. If someone shares their passwords and gets their account jacked, that's on that individual. Your response should simply be, "you violated TOU and we cannot help you". If their account was hacked, we have ways to contact you to reset the account password. We can use an alt, or 3rd party chat app to have a clan mate help. How this will address botting is unclear. Those people get rewarded for that work and I expect they'll simply authenticate and carry on with their business. This 2FA will not solve any problems, and you can see everyone hates it. I urge you to do a survey, read these comments, think about things before you make such a huge change. We love this game, if there are allegations of wrongdoing, just look into it, please reconsider this, there are other ways to achieve the goals you stated, and they won't irritate the player base every month.
  12. Agree 200% it’s a stupid idea
  13. Good morning will
    Yes I understand player safety is a concern for you however in the time I have played with my various accounts I have not had one instance of my account being violated! I have however been stripped of 143q by known bots and scripts to see behind my allie spell things which ata are aware of yet fail to address! These are more of a concern to me than my account getting hacked! If you share passwords (against tou) then more fool you, however again ata taking a sledge hammer to crack a nut, my advice is to put effort Into the parts of the game that actually need it and not faff around with things that really each of us is responsible for! This may come as a shock to ata but alts and charm/furniture farmers actually keep kaw going! Bigs farm charms/furniture with tiny alts and buy chimes and seals with the main! Come ata please make an effort to understand your own game!
    -winger- and MM--CONTROL--MM like this.
  14. More important than this current endeavour to end kaw.
    1.Please sort war match ups
    2. Please show us stats from war
    3. Auto join for perm members
    4. Admin bonus
    5. Laggy servers
    6. ASW
    7.war marshells (an idea I had)
    8. More meaningfull events
    Please feel free to add you own
  15. There is also no point of a once a month 2F authentication.
  16. Thank you for your answer πŸ‘
  18. Well, I do not know my Ata Id. Not using it for many years now. My logging in is using an E-mail acct from a FB account. I quess this new idea about logging in will be the end for me of playing Kaw for 11 years.
    MM--CONTROL--MM likes this.
  19. EVERY time you log in.... you have to do this.... so lame for sure !