🪞 Shattering the Illusion 🪞 Clan Event

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Jace, Mar 21, 2023.

  1. Shattering the Illusion


    Thanna's questioning quickly revealed the false Brannyn. Our real Commander is imprisoned and must be rescued.

    Is he the only one held captive by Leidamea's demonic spell? And will Brannyn even want to return from Leidamea's clutches?

    This event consists of a primary Legend and an extra Legend available immediately, as well as a set of three side-Legends that will unlock the day after with 2000 collection items. These side-Legends will offer players a choice of Easy, Medium, or Hard. The rewards increase with each difficulty level, but so does the challenge. Players WILL be able to complete each level once the previous choice has been completed.

    A new Competition will also be available every OTHER hour during the event period giving rewards for players who earn the most Vicious Reflections within the hour.

    This event will be available from Wednesday, March 22nd until Wednesday, April 5th, 2023 at noon PT.

    Clan event

    This event focuses around working together with your clan! The primary legend is an individual legend, but the progress is based on your clan. The longer you stay in your clan, the more collection items-related drops you will get, which will help contribute to both your individual legend and your clan's progress for everyone else.

    In order to progress on your main collection legend, you will need to hit the player "ClanHall". This player will be pinned to the top of your battle list for the duration of this event. Hitting the clan hall will do two things:
    1. Sum up the amount of collection items your clan has collected and add it as progress to your main collection legend, up to 100x the amount of items you have
    2. Award you a drop boost to this event's collection items based on how long you've been in your clan! This caps at a max of 50%


    Please note after each tier it may appear as though your progress is "reset" to 0. However you can just hit the clan hall again and it will add whatever progress you and your clan have to the next tier's progress.

    Q: What if I want to leave my clan to go war?
    A: No worries! Leaving to go war will not reset your length of stay duration as long as you return to the same clan after your war is over.

    Q: Why does my legend progress sometimes decrease?
    A: Hitting the clan hall gives you legend progress equal to the amount of collection items your clan has. If people have left your clan, there is a chance this number will go down.

    Q: Can I still get rewards if I change clans?
    A: You can gain rewards from the main collection legend no matter what clan you're in. However you will not be able to get the leaderboard rewards unless you are in that clan at the end of the event.

    Q: How will we know if the drop boost has been applied?
    A: If you are eligible for a drop boost for staying in your clan, ClanHall will tell you when you hit it. The first boost will apply after 1 day.

    Event items

    There are some special items available that you can use to help your clan gain an edge in the event!

    EBs will drop a special item called Clever Quill. The drop rate for these is heavily dependent on your participation in the EB. Use this to purchase special event items!

    Clever Quill

    The Memory of Camaraderie and Golden Fingers can be purchased in the Marketplace using Clever Quills and will increase the drop rate of Holm's Hand Hammer and Lost Gauntlet respectively.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Memory of Camaraderie and Golden Fingers

    There will also be 2 Stat Items that can be purchased from the Marketplace (up to a maximum of 10 each):

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Circlet of Protection and Mask of Faces

    Exclusive Furnishings

    Furnishings exclusive to Shattering the Illusion will be available in the Furnishings Shop, Handy Box, and Royal Handy Box.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Event purchase bonuses

    Finally, for this event, certain purchases of NB and health crystals will come with a special box that has a chance of containing EXCLUSIVE furnishings from the event! They will be given out as follows:
    • 50 NB or 6 health crystals: Trapped Puzzle Box for yourself
    • 200 NB or 32 health crystals: Trapped Puzzle Box for yourself and your clan
    • 765 NB or 168 health crystals: Royal Trapped Puzzle Box for yourself and your clan
    If you or someone in your clan has purchased one of the above, an announcement will be made in clan chat and the box can be found in your rewards inbox. Please note that you have 24 hours to claim it otherwise it will expire!
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Trapped Puzzle Box and Royal Trapped Puzzle Box

    Collection Item Competition — “Collectathon”

    A Collection Item Competition — called “Collectathon,” will be running during the Clan Event, from Wednesday, March 22nd until Wednesday, April 5th, 2023 at noon Pacific Time.

    The duration of this Competition is 1 hour, and occurs every OTHER hour. The first instance will start at 1:00 PM, Pacific Time on Wednesday, March 22nd. If there are no Collectathon competitions in the “Active” tab, you can check the “Upcoming” tab to see when the next Collectathon will start.

    To earn points, you will need to collect Vicious Reflections WITHIN the hour that the competition is running (this competition only looks at your personal collection). Vicious Reflections collected outside of a Collectathon will not count towards past and/or upcoming instances.
  2. Banned for necrobumping🌚
    Thrawn and --ScrubTheFreak-- like this.
  3. Great event idea we need more of these!
  4. Not a fan at all as some of us have a RL and don't have time for all the extra nonsense 🤭
  5. You have a built in problem here…you say it’s a clan event, but you have included individual competitions “every other hour” which will diminish each players ability to hit the EB his/her clan is running and so slow down the clan’s ability to complete the EB…is this. CLAN EVENT or not???
  6. Historically, the clan events have hobbled most folks ability to finish the main event. This has been pointed out before. I hope you have taken this into account, and recalculated and reduced the stage requirements to more realistic goals.
  7. Glad to see you ruined competitions. 5 trader tokens and 100 bronze bars? What are you guys smoking?
  8. I like the new competition idea conceptually, but I think it's odd to start a competition that is only competitive (or, for the most part, even 3*-able) if you can hop among clans or burn through premiums at home, during a clan-based main legend (i.e. loyalty daily boost from clanhall)
  9. And small clans stand no chance! Useless event
  10. If Ata was a YouTube channel, I'd report and unsubscribe.
  11. Also, why is the pack in market costing 95 nobs again, if you only get 8 keys. Ripoff
  12. Because you also get the most hallowed good of all.... Health crystals. Obvious innit?... /sarcasm
    -H4RDB4NDiT- likes this.
  13. At $1 per key and $1 per x and $4 per imperial seerstone it’s an amazing value😏
  14. Hourly competions will benefit only for players running premium ebs, clan that can collect Vicious Reflections within an hour and for hoppers…impossible for players in clan that can only finish
  15. Agreed! And also to add to this….@ATA-Jace

    These competitions have been out for a few weeks now and I would imagine everyone has a pretty good feel for the structure. As mentioned before, when do you anticipate rewards for these will actual be anything meaningful as you progress? While the extra tokens and x are a nice little lagniappe, they are hardly worth fighting for top spots (as limited as those spots are for so many accounts participating…essentially only rewarding bonuses to roughly the top) when will we see an appropriate scaled progression for these given how many x it takes to achieve the top rewards already.

    Also, this now marks the second times in two weeks you have completely alienated the PVP community with only PVE actions being rewarded at all. Now all those x we burn for strips and pins get zero extra for those actions during these competitions. Slowly killing any incentive to play this game as it was originally intended.
  16. ^^^….hourly competions doable only for clans running premium ebs and hoppers…if you keep the rewards same as 💩 then not too bad…atleast most of the players not missing anything
  17. top 1%*
  18. This is the latest instalment of ATA's by now obvious choice to squeeze every last penny out of this game as it dies off.
    It's no wonder that with events as nonsensical and unrealistically weighted as this one, KaW has seen a significant downward trend in player numbers.
    First it was simple monetization with a clear policy push towards not only competitiveness, but spending in order to compete at all, which was immediately succeeded in a wave of otherwise good and competitive players leaving the game.
    This push has only increased in force in the recent years. You're encouraged, if not expected, to PAY for every single aspect of this game, in many over-the-top priced ways that ruin the entire experience.
    This event is designed to get everyone spending money across as many clans as possible.
    That they designed a competition, a recently added feature to "improve" the game, which is near impossible for most clans to finish if NOT spending money is just another hint in this direction.
    That they introduced this competition which many can, even WITH spending, only achieve by leaving their clans every other hour, is a slap across the face of anyone who can't afford this "game"'s constant monetary drain.
    Add to that the fact that playing this game while running/helping to run one of the EB farms (read: clans), for the daily grind of slowly progressing through an exponential growth chart by staggeringly linear way of achieving that growth, while also fulfilling many tediously slow tasks (door duty to accept people, checking clan members activity, sending ads out on the "home stretch" of the EB, keeping cc lively to seem less like a ghost town full of someone's parked alternative accounts,...) with virtually no helping tools (like the requirement based open/appliance only optional door systems ATA has in multiple other games which they force us to play for meagre rewards that, as of now, aren't even tradeable any more) feels more like a full-time job in accounting than a fun game experience, and you can see what I mean.
    Frankly, it's no wonder so many people have left the game over the recent few years, and I think that this event will only serve to increase that trend further, because many among those keeping our "world advertisement channel" populated with ending EBs around the clock will likely either leave their clans for bigger clans who stand a chance of finishing the event, or stay behind and grow frustrated with others leaving to grind this event while they themselves get to stay behind with no chance in hell to finish it.

    And on a personal note, I wish it were different, because I used to love this game.
    Mott, StarCutter, e and 5 others like this.
  19. This is bewildering. I am a long-term player (one of a quickly rapidly diminishing community), who is, truth be told, looking for reasons to keep playing (and struggling to find them). The only factor that keeps me interested is the social interaction with a few long-term good friends.
    ATA’s complete disregard for community feedback is appalling and I believe the primary reason why KAW players are leaving in droves. There are many basic system issues that have been around for years which have been totally ignored (e.g. clan door issue, KAW loading / freeze issues, lag, etc.)
    System wars, however flawed they maybe, are still very popular with long term KAW warriors. The abandonment and complete denial of this point where community interest in the annual ASW is significant, with people devoting much of their resources for a year ahead to plan for such an event is probably the most telling example!
    [Why not create same ATA / KAW player working groups to address many of these issues and re-engage with your player base – who incidentally keep KAW alive by way of revenue]Instead, we get the same regurgitation of an earlier event model with clan targets (clan hall type event). Based on feedback from many users, this is not a popular event by any means as it disadvantages smaller clans trying to grow and gives significant advantage to premium EB clans.
    You've now made it even worse by combining this poor event model with a competition element, which in combination, which makes zero sense. To succeed in the competition(s), you either need to be a clan hopper (of large stats to go the strong clans with quick EBs) which means the intent of promoting clan loyalty is non existent OR you need to be in a premium EB clan (pay to play) with fast EB turnaround. The quick and very restricted turnaround times for these competitions means that all loyal players in clans of any size have no chance of competing.
    Additionally, as mentioned earlier, there is again only a PVE focus o this event. What were you thinking? Maybe I should not be surprised …..
    Mott, e, Alex-Warface and 6 others like this.