A Traitor Among Us

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAVirgo, Mar 8, 2023.

  1. A Traitor Among Us


    After parleying with the Deithe Fiannai and searching for Leidamea's presence, the team is back together. The Oracle has crafted rings to keep everyone safe. But it quickly becomes clear not everyone returned as their true selves... Who among us is Leidamea in disguise and what has she done with our friends?

    This event consists of a primary Legend and an extra Legend available immediately, as well as a set of three side-Legends that will unlock the day after with 2000 collection items. These side-Legends will offer players a choice of Easy, Medium, or Hard. The rewards increase with each difficulty level, but so does the challenge. Players WILL be able to complete each level once the previous choice has been completed.

    This event will be available from Wednesday, March 8th until Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023 at noon PT.


    Please note that due to Daylight Savings on Sunday the previous day’s Competition will end at 1pm PST. And Competitions will not start back up until 12pm PST on Monday March 13

    Exclusive Furnishings

    Furnishings exclusive to A Traitor Among Us will be available in the Furnishings Shop, Box of Reflections, and Royal Box of Reflections.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    #1 ATAVirgo, Mar 8, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2023
    DeFi-Novelist likes this.
  2. Garbage furniture
  3. Anything new coming regarding the biweekly events?


    a 100k tier for those of us who can do the 60k super easily.
    A new eb release
    There’s many more in the forums too
    xXsHaNeThEcReEpXx likes this.
  4. I think they are cool. The mouse r so cute
    a_WEIRDO and xXsHaNeThEcReEpXx like this.
  5. 100k tier, top 500/1000 tiers, amount of bars that are actually worth something, etc

    The top 250 gives literal junk, 15 aq/inferno, 150 silver bars, 3 xtals (which you get daily pretty much anyway), a whopping 2 pallumen plates, 1 crux chest.

    Nobody who gets top 250 is small enough for any of that to be worthwhile.

    All the top leaderboard sections need to be adjusted to give at least something decent.
  6. Agreed!!!
    Like why… why silver bars?? I really hope devs read this and do something about it. The rewards have been the same for for SO LONG. Devs pls do something about this.
  7. Not the devs releasing a mole based event directly following the war
    The_Cowboy_MaCHiNE likes this.