Where is the new content devs promised in place of ASW?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _____Voulez-Vous________danser, Oct 9, 2022.

  1. We should be causing more of a fuss about this. Cancel one of the best events kaw has and now nothing to show for it. All talk and more false promises.
    DeFi-Novelist likes this.
  2. To be fair, it's been 10 days. Not even a full legend cycle has passed yet.
  3. I asked them for hints they said it’s a secret.
  4. Probably will be same release timeline as other features aka gifting. I estimate 2027 at the earliest.
  5. New content, here already ! Called jumping thru hoops to get something thats worth less than what you spent to get it! Some incentive for noobs for sure !