Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KonekBeshar, Jun 11, 2022.


Is Konek handsome?

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. But yes.

    12 vote(s)
  1. I would like to emphasis on the word dead. Can we use the word dead on something that is practically not alive? Something that is not a living being? Is there any other word to describe the "death" of a #1 MMORPG game forum on Android?
    What causes the forum to be described as dead?
    A research needs to be made on what influence people to be active on forum and what made them inactive.
    BadRobot likes this.
  2. Ngl konek, but sometimes things doesn't stay forever. People are going to go away someday. And forget about this game. Chill man, have a blessed day brother.
  3. Are you guys botsšŸ§ whatā€™s the deal with your stats?
    B00B00tehBEAR_RAWR likes this.
  4. It only seems dead because you don't use the incripted font.
  5. Forums used to be my favorite part of KaW, then I took a (pretty short) break, and came back, and forums were like this. I blame a majority of it on the updates and it leaving the web browser. Myself and many others would make long threads, clan advertisements, MGTD, etc.

    Once the forums updated, the long time posters just stopped without replacements
  6. a lot of the forum nerds left because the new format was something we didnā€™t want to learn. now that iā€™ve gone through it for a bit, its def better BUT it is a lot different. the simplicity of the OG forums was its charm, imo. ALSO removing the active topics section kind of hurt forums a lot.
    Pingu, arkst and BadRobot like this.
  7. To replace it with most recent 5, at the very bottom of the screen, was the worst. I donā€™t check individual forum sections unless Iā€™m looking for something very specific.
  8. Active topics is just the "new posts" button at the top of the screen šŸ˜ or "recent posts" subheading if you're already in the new posts screen.
  9. This thread literally is not in that list. That list is wrong, AND itā€™s easier to scroll than to click 2-3 buttons to hope to find something youā€™re looking for
  10. That's strange, it is for me. That's how I got here at all, I very rarely use the loadin dashboard
  11. Nah, I checked before and after posting that comment. I agree it is strange, Iā€™m only here out of spite tho
  12. even if it is around, limiting to 5 is pretty bad. well maybe not for todays forum community considering the lack of activity, but still. having a clear active topics section with a page or two of threads will always trump whatever limits me to 5 new posts.
  13. I think what thrawn was talking about was similar to the old one, but for him, itā€™s that itā€™s just 1-2 clicks away instead of right there. Which I still donā€™t prefer. But if it worked for me like it works for him, I wouldnā€™t have as much of an issue with it, but maybe mine is just broken.

    Also, you can use forums on PC if you have your username and password. You can find your username in your forum profile thing but obviously not the password. I wish I could access that and use forums on pc again
  14. Just for curiosity, and to prove I'm not insane (this time)...

    My view upon loading forums:

    New posts button brings me here, which displays any threads commented on since my last visit:

    If there are no new comments since my last visit, I get this instead:

    Recent posts (if there are unread threads) or "view all recent posts" (if no unread) brings me to what's similar to old active topics, and displays all threads commented on in the past month:
  15. I fully believed you, nw hun. And the process seems the same for me, but this particular thread wasnā€™t listed when I checked it, so idk how accurate it is on my end, PLUS! Itā€™s a lotta hoops for something that was no effort prior to
  16. I think a major issue with the new forum set up is that itā€™s completely centered around guides and new events posted by the devs. This seems like a great idea at first, obviously people need to know how to play the game, but it causes a snowball effect of issuesā€¦

    For starters, there are only a handful of guides left that arenā€™t outdated and are still useful. These guides are amazing and everyone can benefit from reading them, but why do I have to scroll through so many threads from 2019 to find what Iā€™m looking for? This creates a massive roadblock preventing people from seeing the best part of the forums, the community.

    When I first began playing, I didnā€™t realize the forums existed until 2 months into playing and I asked a friend for advice on build mechanics and he told me to look at forumsā€¦ I didnā€™t spend a single second learning about building mechanics/stats that first week. I was too enamored with the rest of the threads that were about absolutely nothing, why? Because those threads were FUN. It didnā€™t matter what your cs was, or who had the most efficient way to get event items, there was a million different ways to make a name for yourself back then. You could be funny, helpful, annoying, a troll, it didnā€™t matter you were still apart of the community.

    Now, most new players donā€™t even know that thereā€™s a place in forums that isnā€™t just guides, so theyā€™ll never become active in the first place. You canā€™t find a new player (not an alt) thatā€™s started in the last 3 years with over 1,000 posts, there might not even be one with over 500. Itā€™s not a coincidence that most of the top posters have been gone for 5+ years and no one has replaced them.

    Sorry for the rant,

    TL;DR: Forums used to be a whole new world to explore and a place to become friends with all the people who make the game great. Today, the forums are a glorified tutorial section.
    Snoopy, arkst and BadRobot like this.
  17. What the hell is the forums
    BadRobot likes this.
  18. Used to be the best place to go in kaw for all kinds of awesome stuff. Smack talk, guides, war updates. Now its less than a shadow of its past.
  19. Easy what made them inactive, the forums changed and the new ones suck. But I'm sure it was a cost saving measure.
    Snoopy, -TheLastTrojan_ and arkst like this.
  20. In a lot of ways the forum existed separately from the game. It used to be a lot of low stat, highly active users that didnā€™t participate in the grind that a lot of others did. To be honest, they didnā€™t really need to grind for gold because stats werenā€™t super inflated then. You could say that it slowly took a turn because a lot of the forumers were younger and started working, went to college, etc. Although I think that was a contributing factor, I believe what really changed is that the devs started policing any kind of off topic posting. I never really found that necessary because the forum community was its own little ecosystem that policed itself. It used to be that if a thread was bad then the forum community would derail it, and then it would eventually get lost in active topics. If a thread was good and got derailed then it only took a post or two to get it back on topic. A lot of the original moderators understood this and would give a lot of slack before they would lock something. Eventually at some point new moderators were chosen who didnā€™t actively participate in the forum and would lock the threads they didnā€™t like or that had been off topic for a few posts. Also, they changed the rules for posting and a lot of the stupid silly fun people had was suddenly against the rules. Anyway the policing got worse and it got to a certain point that popular threads would be graveyarded without notice whenever the devs made a new announcement. For example, if ashes of Eden made a funny thread and people are actively posting on it all week, and a few days later the devs released a new EB that only the top clans could even attempt, then the devs would graveyard that thread. In a lot of ways the forums died because some of the devs and moderators chose to kill it. This was the only place outside of clan chat that you could actually talk with someone you didnā€™t know (recall ads in WC were insanely frequent and your message would be gone in seconds). Anyway this is just what I observed.