💘Spread Love Not War💘 Valentines Poetry Event

Discussion in 'Activities' started by ATA-Jace, Feb 4, 2022.

  1. Here today
    Gone tomorrow
    No more joy
    Only sorrow 🙁
    Though the memories remain
    Nothing seems to be the same
    As I lay here in the sun
    Remembering all the hours of fun
    Yes life’s been good to me
    Sharing from our giving tree
    I always cherish the love
    Sent down from our angel above
    Ice likes this.
  2. Too KAW or not to KAW
    Is that a question
    Do you wake and check
    Worry and fret
    Dream of growth and power
    Hybrid, Tank, Hansel or Pure
    Do your yearn to fight or love the EBs
    Cower behind alts and exaggerate
    Amassing allies and précis charms
    Selling your soul for premiums
    Do you look at the LB with envy
    Spending in RL to reach the top
    Who would have thought
    You’d be playing for over 10 years
    To KAW or not to KAW
    There is no question!
    Ice likes this.
  3. We Fight All The Day
    ‘Til Our Fingers Are Sore
    They Ask What We Play
    Kingdoms At War
    Avatar and Ice like this.
  4. Oh my oh my!
    What do we see!

    A bunch of alts
    In kaws EE

    Some fight hard
    Some fight smart

    Some go away from keyboard
    But most give their heart

    Plenty of arguing to go around
    Tho pushing forward we are bound

    With love in the air
    Just let this be fair.
    Ice likes this.
  5. Lords legends The place to call home
    It’s the place to start and end
    The team it’s like the all powerful Rome
    We love to put a lovely bend
    The home is like the supper dome
  6. "2 Y's U R, 2 Y's U B, I C U R, 2 Y's 4 me."
    GReeNie_oG_MaCHiNe, Ice and Sihaya like this.
  7. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
    When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
    When the funds are low and the debts are high,
    And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
    When care is pressing you down a bit,
    Rest if you must—but don’t you quit.

    Life is queer with its twists and turns,
    As every one of us sometimes learns,
    And many a failure turns about
    When he might have won had he stuck it out;
    Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow—
    You may succeed with another blow.

    Often the goal is nearer than
    It seems to a faint and faltering man,
    Often the struggler has given up
    When he might have captured the victor’s cup,
    And he learned too late, when the night slipped down,
    How close he was to the golden crown.

    Success is failure turned inside out—
    The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
    And you never can tell how close you are,
    It may be near when it seems afar;
    So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit—
    It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.
    Ice, RS-roni-RS and Sihaya like this.
  8. Valentines ode to kaw...💘

    Blood Rains are Red
    Hoarfrost is Blue
    AOTA lasts forever
    So does my love you you...❤️
    Thrawn, Ice, Sihaya and 2 others like this.
  9. A KaW veteran
    Old friends have spread far and wide
    We will meet again
    RS-roni-RS likes this.
  10. If you’re in my clan, I give you some loving, but if you’re my woman, I’ll give you a good stuffing.
  11. Roses are red
    Gold is shiny
    Queen Jez for mod
    Need it done timely ⏰
  12. Stupid love poems
    Yeah spread the LOVE FOR WAR
    not the WAR FOR LOVE
    the evilness of KaW
    all comes from the DEVils above
    cupid draw back yur bow
    & let yur arrow go
    straight to my GOTH heart for me
    nobody but me
    cupid please hear my cry
    and let yur arrow fly
    straight my AOTA heart for me

    now i dont need to bother you but my eb is in distress
    ther’s danger of me loosing all my win happiness
    for i love the pwars, osw’s pvp farming mix
    and this you devs can fix

    so, cupid draw back yur bow
    and let yur arrow go
    straight to my LOTL heart for me
    nobody but me
    cupid please hear my cry
    and let yur arrow fly
    Straight to my NOTH heart for me

    now cupid if yur arrow make a love strong for me
    I promise i will love KaWing until eternity
    I know the Oracle can make my EQ’s stronger than steel
    help me if you will

    so. cupid draw back yur bow
    and let yur arrow go
    straight to my enemies hearts for me
    nobody but me
    cupid please hear my cry
    and let yur arrow fly
    straight to my freinds hearts for me

    now cupid,dont you hear me, im calling you, i need you, cupid help me lalalalalaaa🌹💘💐🌷❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
    Sihaya likes this.
  13. we met 2010, I found your voice in every word that you slipped from your tongue. the taste of heaven. A rose placed in the palm of your hand, A date overlooking the mountains. valentines is here. A time I can look in your eyes and kiss you softly until you float into my arms. into your eyes I go where the magic begins. your voice like love song. let me be your lyrics. A taste of heaven on your lips.
    Happy Valentine's day
  14. Law addict I become in 2009, friendships were made. A life changing game where a world can become one.
    A life of warmth even though some a millions of miles away. Epics to be won. Friendships to be made.
    A game of many challenges and battles.
    Kaw has a history
  15. I try to find the words to say to you.
    Sat down by my bed music filled the air.
    A heart beating to the rhythm.
    Even though we are millions of miles away an angel i become to bring you love.
    If you close your eyes
    Feel the soft breeze upon your skin is my fingertips scrolling over your skin.
    Into your mind I make love to your heart and soul.
    Poetry of love

  16. Nobs are yellow
    I open boxes
    All I get is pain
  17. You are the first thing I think of,
    Each morning when I rise.
    You are the last thing I think of,
    Each night I close my eyes.
    You are in every thought that I have,
    And in every breath that I take.
    My feelings grow stronger with every move that I make.
    I want to prove that I love you,
    But that is the hardest part.
    So I give all I have to give,
    To you I give my heart.
  18. These thoughts run deep with seductive malice
    Down the rabbit hole feeling like Alice
    Enchanted and Spellbound we are lost in the plot.
    Is this destiny? Or something we sought?

    Divine maddness and lust
    Twin flames that burn.
    The charms of madness around every turn.

    Take you in my arms ill never let go
    Or love is true is all that i know.

    Tides of passion drown me in bliss
    No one ever said it would lead to this
    Two flames become one by the act of a kiss.
    Your lips and mine, twin flames catalyst.

    Down the hole deeper,
    Is the end in sight?
    I could just quit and give up the fight?
    Lay down my will and exit the light.
    These thoughts that i have,
    I know they are not right.

    Down we go deeper,
    Divine maddness in tow.
    Is this the end?
    I hope you say no.
    In the wonderland of love we build our palace,
    Lets conquer the world you'll be my Alice
  19. I wanted to write something so beautiful,
    Even the angels in heaven would be moved to tears.
    So with poetic mastery, through pen and page, I reach out to alleviate all of your fears.

    I wanted to write something so heartfelt,
    it would make you smile through the depths of any despair.
    So with your angelic smile, uplift your heart.
    And know even while we're apart,
    my love for you will never fail.

    I wanted to write something so amazing,
    You will remember it until the very end of time.
    Or love neverending, two inseparable souls, forever intertwined.

    Words alone cannot express what you mean to me. So with poetic mastery, I searched so very diligently, for the perfect words to describe my feelings for you.
    Alas, try as I might I could not find them all,
    So I pay these three words will do.......
    I LOVE YOU!!!!
  20. I didn’t fall in love with you because I was lonely or lost, I fell in love with you because after getting to know you, I realised that I wanted to make you a permanent part of my world 💖💜🥰