💘Spread Love Not War💘 Valentines Poetry Event

Discussion in 'Activities' started by ATA-Jace, Feb 4, 2022.

  1. Having a look above
    There's big poems
    But that's okay
    Because I've got a lover.
    Loving away
    Day by day
    Seeing them makes me flutter
    Heart skipping a beat
    Everytime I see them
    But then again
    Does this even make sense?!
    Haven't figured it out
    But that's okay
    Because we all find
    That one true love.
    Keep on smiling
    Keep on laughing
    Remember that
    Love is around the corner.
    Love is all around you
    Love is special
    Cherish those
    Who make you smile.
    If you've got the one
    On valentines day
    Then surprise them
    With a riddle
    Or a poem.
    Show them your poem
    Or even take them out.
    Make them feel special
    Because when you're
    Not feeling well
    They'll go out
    Of their way
    To make you smile.
    Tell your family
    Tell your lover
    Tell your friends
    You Love them.
    This valentines day
    The KaW community
    Hope you have
    A wonderful day.
    With lots of happiness
    Lots of laughter
    Because we all
    Deserve to be happy!

    I don't know how
    A Koala can write this
    But anyway Merry Christmas.

    Whoops Valentines Day... 🐨
    sassthatass_, Sihaya and Bachkeda like this.
  2. It is time to score,
    I Love you Kingdoms at War,
    Dev's I do adore.
    sassthatass_ likes this.
  3. I’ve played this game,

    It’s always the same,

    a little change,

    a little change,

    yet at the end of the day it’s always the same,

    don’t get me wrong I’m not one to complain,

    even my own life is always the same,

    everything don’t always need to change,

    a fight here and a fight there,

    Kingdom At War is everywhere,

    rally the crew,

    fight a blue warbeast or two,

    enter a war,

    go to forums to learn evermore,

    reading stuff on world chat,

    says many things that fall flat,

    but some are hilarious regardless of that,

    the mods lurk around waiting to zap,

    cause lawbreakers are always coming back,

    looking at the leaderboard,

    the people at the top are hardcore,

    a gaint ape like aberration,

    this fight will take all my concentration,

    a colossal demon headed serpent,

    a massive tentacle beast should observe them,

    a tree dragon the size of a forest,

    gotta run gotta run like someone I knew named forest,

    building my kingdom far and wide,

    upgrading things can be quite the ride,

    allies always waiting to be hired away,

    but sometimes there price is way too high for certain people to pay,

    there are ups and downs,

    though Kingdom At War still gets around,

    many more to the devs at ape,

    Cause nothing is perfect but your still doing great
  4. KaW is for you, KaW is for, let’s win the eb
  5. This is entitled “My Dear Friend P4”

    P4, P4
    You're so honky
    Your laugh reminds me
    Of a donkey.

    Your voice makes me queasy
    And yet you are praiseworthy.

    Though this message
    May seem strange
    Happy birthday, P4, hope you enjoy the day
    STF_GUMWORLD2002 likes this.
  6. No moderators.
    We want them no more.
    Make go away.
    Avatar likes this.
  7. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    I’m using my hand
    But thinking about you
    Sihaya likes this.
  8. Wandering around
    Discovering my true love
    Is winning EE
    Sihaya and renamed545 like this.
  9. You smile is so sweet
    You make my heart skip a beat
    Be my valentine?
    SeXyReXy likes this.
  10. Oh when you're cold, I'll be there
    Hold you tight, to me
    When you're on the outside baby and you can't get in
    I will show you, you're so much better than you know
    When you're lost and you're alone and you can't get back again
    I will find you, darling and I will bring you home
    And if you want to cry
    I am here to dry your eyes
    And in no time, you'll be fine
  11. “Ode to my owner” - a poem by Ice

    Centauri, Centauri
    Know you well? I do not.

    Centauri, Centauri
    Do you smell? I forgot

    Centauri, Centauri
    Climbing leaderboards I see

    Centauri, Centauri
    Here’s to you for owning lil’ ol’ me 🍻
  12. This world is ugly

    but also quite beautiful.

    It seems like a dream.
  13. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Yafi has crumbled
    Thank God for that too.
  14. ♥️✨♥️✨♥️✨✨♥️✨✨♥️♥️✨✨
    🌈♥️✨🌈RAINBOW OF LOVE🌈✨♥️

    Hear me say..
    Red give some passionate
    Orange gives courage to the light..
    Listen to beat.. Blue is the sky that showssofty to our Hearts.
    Love is in the air with singing birds.yes
    fly little blue birds fly!
    Show me some love.. the shaking feelingsunexpected .
    The Violet symbolizes anger we
    must stop it! Forgive me.. forgive me! love me with all your heart.
    Yellow symbolizing star to our greatest dream.
    believei t ..believe it!
    Green gives a go to our unconditional love!
    Dont hate me. dont hate im just showing what i feel for you
    love me .. but do not
    hate me..
    Indigo will give sign to our gracious

    RS-roni-RS likes this.
  15. Most of my days i feel alone
    I can’t help but feel down
    With kaw I found a home
    I was once lost but now found
    My life slipped through my hands
    I once was prey to harm
    I found my stake amongst the clans
    Kaw welcomed me with open arms
    The love faded away with wind
    My heart breaks and it bends
    If This love is wrong ill take the sin
    Hold me tight until the very end
    Kaw opened my heart like the man of tin
    The dreaded days shall make their amends
    Ive given all that I have
    For you my love forever and after that
    #35 Duchess_Akiva, Feb 6, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2022
    RS-roni-RS, Sihaya, Ice and 1 other person like this.
  16. There once was this dude named Lava
    He liked a strong cup of Java
    Some tried to clean his clock
    And Lava became the Rock
    He had had enough of this drama
    Sihaya, LilFreak, Ice and 1 other person like this.
  17. I’m new, but I’ve been asked:
    Why do you love this game?
    Is it the loot? Is it the EB’s?
    Or the nobility that you can claim?
    For me, it’s the people.
    They're responsible for this lunacy.
    Y’all are more than just friends,
    I’m thankful for my KAWmunity. (Community)
  18. Loves long goodbye. I found you so long ago when
    My soul was withered and dry.
    My Mother was sickened and was saying goodbye
    She lay with no hair and shook from the pain
    See cancer she had and was all to Blame
    My friend’s I met here stayed by my side as I
    Was getting ready to say Goodbye.
    I love you Dear Mom as I cried don’t worry for me
    For I have met my kingdoms at war family
    RS-roni-RS, Sihaya, icequeen2 and 2 others like this.
  19. My brothers and I are here
    White, black, and brown
    No hatred between us
    As we fight for forsaken ground
    Fear knows us all
    That God awful sound
    Together we fall
    Bullets and bombs around
    My brothers would die for me
    A family, heaven bound.

    In memorial of all troops lost in combat
    Sun, RS-roni-RS, Sihaya and 1 other person like this.
  20. There once were GremlinzZ
    To Hannah they did justice
    And now she’s remnants
    SeXyReXy and oG-Stargazer like this.