Automated Play Policy

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Nov 16, 2021.

  1. Greetings Warriors!
    As has always been the case, using any software to automate your gameplay is not allowed, and can result in your account being banned.

    We have spent the last few weeks investigating reports of automated play, and as a result have added additional tracking to our systems. In our investigation, we have identified a series of accounts that are clearly using automated play to gain an advantage over other players. This is completely unfair to the vast majority of players who are not using these tools and entirely unacceptable behaviour.

    We will be issuing a series of warnings, temporary bans and permanent bans today, depending on the egregiousness of the offender's behavior. We understand that you may want to know who has had action taken against them and the specifics of why, but this is not something we will be able to share.

    If you play fairly, you will not be banned. If you automate, you can and will be banned, sooner or later.


    What are the penalties for automating play?
    Depending on the severity of the offence, bans may be temporary or permanent. We'll be evaluating case by case, to ensure we are taking appropriate action.

    Will there be any warnings for players at risk?
    There may be warnings given initially to those that we have concerns with, but warnings will be an exception, not the rule. If you are utilizing a form of automated play, expect to find your account disabled without warning.

    What do you deem automated play?
    • Using third party software to play the game for you
    • Using macros to replay a specific series actions
    • Using an autoclicker to repeatedly tap a button
    How can you tell someone is automating play?
    We cannot share the details regarding the tools we use for these investigations. The more detail we share, the easier it is for players that are cheating to work around our current methods of detection. If you aren't automating your play in someway, you have nothing to worry about.

    How can I appeal?
    If your account has been disabled for automation you can send us an email including your username and we will discuss if and when you will be able to regain access to your account.

    Please send the email to with the subject line, "Automated Play Ban"

    Please note, we will only discuss bans with the owner of the account for privacy reasons, please do not write in on another player’s behalf as it will only slow down our response times.

    What about account sharing?
    Account sharing, like automated play, has always been against the rules. We review each report we receive regarding account sharing and take the action we deem appropriate when we find wrong-doing. If an account is active enough through means of account sharing, that it would appear the account is utilizing automated play, it may face the same penalties listed above.

    How can I report someone I suspect is automating their play?
    You can submit a ticket via the Help system with the Username of the player you suspect of automated play. Along with their name please provide any details you have regarding why their play is suspicious. We will open an investigation and monitor the account.

    How will I know action has been taken?
    You won't. We do not disclose information about other players accounts for the sake of each players privacy. However, we can assure you that if we find wrong-doing, we will take action.

    Will action be taken immediately if I submit clear evidence?
    Although we appreciate the lengths players may go to make reports, we can't rely on data provided by players as there is room for human error and bias. Providing data like this will not be necessary, as we have our own improved tools for monitoring suspicious activity.

    Thank you all for your patience while we worked hard to build the tools to ensure this clarified policy could be upheld in a sustainable and effective way.

    - [ATA]Dev Team
    #1 ATA-Will, Nov 16, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
  2. Thank you for protecting the competitive integrity of the game. Even with so much going on with new mods, banner event, black Friday, you still prioritize integrity first. I, as well as many of my friends and clannies appreciate this. Whether from friend or foe, automation has no place in this game
  3. I completely agree with hippy. Thank you for taking care of this game and trying to make it a fairer place for all.
  4. Nice to see you guys crackdown on cheaters.🍻
    littlekitty1 and IC_Spider570_IC like this.
  5. You’re one to talk about competitive integrity… abused asw to the max.
    BotRyu, Kalthrac, Passion and 2 others like this.
  6. I’m glad to see this being taken seriously finally!.thank you ATA!
  7. Happy and satisfied with the decisions and investigation. Thank ATA!!!!!
    IC_Spider570_IC and VaniThee like this.
  8. This is only 4 years late… bots is what drove all the old school players away.
    Doe, SmoomS, Hibiscus and 3 others like this.
  9. Great now to bust the charm farms /factories! 🌚
  10. Totally agree!! I work hard to get charms on my 5 accounts. I don’t see anyone someone is gonna run like 50 or 100+ without botting. Even 5 feels like quite the grind and I end up not getting max reward several events.
  11. Why the secrecy around who gets and why they are banned? If tou was broken and you have evidence, let the community know. The lack of transparency here is troubling.
    Doe, SmoomS, Hibiscus and 11 others like this.
  12. Dang! Ice :eek: let me hold a couple of charms for you!
  13. Make 5 more accts and grind for 2.5 years straight including selling all top10 pets and lv11 charms I have gotten and you should be able to get 1T charms also. I need to keep mine 😂
  14. How about bring my alts back 💜🤗they are not even botting ata will, u just taken it away from me🤗💜
    Gravemind and BadRobot like this.
  15. NO
    VaniThee likes this.
  16. Clarifying who has been banned and exactly why would add some transperancy.
    Until that's done with every case people will just cry conspiracy 🤦
  17. Yes
  18. Yet wont do anything about the black market
  19. Are you also going to address the egregious buying and selling of charms, furniture, rewards and the various thaumalite parts on third party apps?

    Per your own tou:

    Virtual Currency Transfers/Transactions. Any unauthorized transferring, trading, selling or exchanging of any Virtual Currency, Site Items, or Accounts ("Unauthorized Transactions") to anyone, including among other users of the Websites or Services is not sanctioned by A Thinking Ape and is strictly forbidden….You acknowledge that A Thinking Ape may stop, suspend, terminate, discontinue, or reverse any Unauthorized Transaction, regardless of when such Unauthorized Transaction occurred (or has yet to occur)….A Thinking Ape may, in its sole discretion, terminate, suspend, or modify your Account if you engage or assist in any Unauthorized Transaction.
  20. Yea ata will very good. But really in some clans when an eb is finish or started sometimes i see when someone write the word “bot” in cc!!.. whenever i see that again im going to report it here for sure.