The Final Battle: An Invasion of Realms

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Queens, Sep 18, 2020.

  1. [​IMG]


    Welcome to Realm v Realm

    During RvR, players will be able to hop to their rival realm to cause some damage before heading home to gloat about the burning path of destruction they've just caused.

    A word to the wise: while your realm gets plundered, you too have the freedom to wreak havoc on your enemies' home world! It's time to finally avenge your honour, KAW. Check the details below for instructions and be ready for the KAW v PIMD Realm War!

    Getting Started

    On September 25th at 2 PM Pacific Time, realm invasions will be active for 24 HOURS. When an RvR event is active, head to the Chest Tab in the Shop to find a special Realm Invasion Chest. Invasion chests contain 5 Tokens to transfer to your rival realm (Rival Realm Transfer Token), and 5 tokens to transfer back home (Transfer Home Token). Your first chest is absolutely FREE and additional chests can be purchased for 1000 Jewels per chest.

    Please keep in mind that all normal transfer rules apply, and you cannot transfer if you are the leader of a clan, have marches out, or a raid ongoing.

    It is recommended that if ALL of your clan members are planning to participate in an invasion you prepare appropriately to ensure there is a clan to come home to. Possible solutions include taking turns, or designating a placeholder leader account.

    Scoring Points


    Regardless of whether you are invading an enemy kingdom or repelling invaders from your own, you can earn points toward Realm vs Realm quests.

    If you are on your home realm, you can earn points by attacking invading players. Coordinate with your clan and other members of your realm to push the invaders back and make them regret setting foot on your land.

    Invaders take on more risks and challenges (they do not have access to their home clan and will likely be spread out) but with that risk comes opportunity. Invaders earn points not only by attacking players from their rival realm, but also for PVE activities such as hitting monsters and gathering nodes. Sniping and node knocking are all fair game, so get in there and take your own back!

    Whether you are on your own realm or invading another you will earn points towards your other quests normally. For example; your daily dragon quest and monster slaying will gain the benefit of monster kills, researching and building will still count towards might growth etc. (Daily clan contests will NOT progress if you have invaded however, as you will not be part of your home clan.)

    IMPORTANT: Attacking players from your own realm will NOT progress the quest, regardless of whether you are invading or being invaded. Work together for the glory of your Kingdoms at War realm!


    Players must leave their clan when moving to the rival realm, but can form a clan once they arrive if they wish. Raids that are available will not provide credit for any invasion activity, and will end automatically when the event expires if they are not complete.



    In addition to the more traditional prizes earned through the event, you will be able to earn special Medal of Honor tokens! These RvR specific tokens can be exchanged for a chest in the shop that contains loot for everyone's favourite molten Dragon, Lady Smolderhorn, as well as a chance at exclusive avatars. If you don't get enough to open a chest this round, fear not! These tokens will carry forward towards future RvR events.

    Homeward Bound

    You can return to your home realm at any time by activating your Transfer Home Token. In addition, any player remaining on their rival's realm at the end of the event will automatically be sent home. Please be patient, as the time this requires will depend on how many accounts must be sent home. All items related to Invasions will remain in your inventory (except for realm transfer tokens), but will not be usable unless a later Realm vs Realm event is running at the time.


    This is it. The epic conclusion to the KAW v PIMD battle has come. You want war? You have 24 hours (starting September 25th at 2:00PM PST) to coordinate an attack PIMD will never forget. Show them just how sheltered they've been...until now!

    May this final battle bring the vengeful glory you seek!


    You will need to have a Kingdoms of Heckfire account in the KAW realm (116). See our Realms at War post for details!

    That's the fun part. You won't be able to tell until after the RVR event is over. Simply defend your realm to the death, or teleport into the PIMD realm to wreak even more havoc, while completing your daily quests to ensure victory!

    We will announce the winner when the event concludes. Make us proud, KAW!

    Absolutely. Instructions on how this name will be chosen will be posted once we know the winner. We believe in you so start thinking what you want the glorious KAW Realm name to be. It can be literally* anything you want.

    *Not literally. We will make the final call on this name but make it good, okay?

    #1 [ATA]Queens, Sep 18, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
    Titan_God and Thrawn like this.
  2. 👀👀👀👀
    [ATA]Queens and Thrawn like this.
  3. But the post says invasion doesn't start until Sept 25? Is this tomorrow?
  4. I am confused why you can't teleport into their realm while still in your current clan?
  5. Thanks Thrawn! This little "Godspeed" message is meant for when the event begins on the 25th @ 2:00PM PST - so you have 24 hours starting on that date and time.
    Thrawn likes this.
  6. We need kaw rewards for this
    Leaf and IIII-_-ViRuS-_-IIII like this.
  7. PIMD realm is two and a half times more powerful than ours. This will be a challenge. Couldn't we have competitive furniture trading instead? We could win that.
  8. What the af is going on with kaw lately, work on the things that need changing/tweaking instead of this bullcrap
  9. I can't understand even a single line :(
  10. Will DTW and ATS be off? Is there a crystal limit? Will bonus from equip be turned off?
    -_Shadow_Of_War_- and Thrawn like this.
  11. Isn't this kingdoms of heckfire, what has it to do with kaw?
  12. Well thought out event dev!! 25b pimped vs 10b kaw..... I’ll bet kaw dev’s a 100 royal boxes that kaw loses. If I win you give me 100 keys and if I lose I’ll
    Open 100 boxes
    ogplayer and Apporina like this.
  13. What no bet devs! Put your money where your mouth is. If you think this is a even match, let’s bet.
    ogplayer likes this.
  14. Is it really necessary to have a pop up for a different game every time players log into KaW?
  15. Yes because Devs just want us to look the other way.
    ogplayer likes this.
  16. What the heck do heckfire has to do with KAW? :O

    For last couple of months, I am always confused whether it's KAW, pimd, heckfire or just an indication towards future of ATA games that they all will be merged soon.
  17. Where is ASW?
    Snowman likes this.
  18. Probably will announce after this stupid event
  19. let's face it - they try to pull us over, so they can shut down kaw.