This is to say the very least, disgusting. I was actually excited to finally do a big war like asw. Now it seems like that is off the book and I know I'm not the only one. I don't understand why devs issue thesame type of event every 14 days and think it's enough to satisfy us. Please listen to us and have some sort of big wars. It's a pvp game after all
Dear queen am very interested to know the % of participation in your wonderful new event ? How many signed up so far please?
i followed the link. played the game. th5 so far, yet i havent recieved any rewards. both accounts connected to ata and nothing. rip off.
You may be in the wrong realm. Click the arrow in the bottom left. Under "Extras", scroll down to "Invite Referral", and enter "ATAQUEENS" here. Click success & it will restart, but then putting you into the KaW Realm. (You will not lose any progress made) (This is available for everyone to do, as long as your Town Hall is under lvl 8).
Well that comment queen was not called for ... I can see this is the start of the war guys leaving ...plenty of other war games out there ..
Due to an epic but unexpectedly high level of engagement across both realms, we will have to distribute rewards daily instead of hourly from today onwards. Rewards will be distributed on weekdays, ONCE A DAY between 11 AM to 7 PM Pacific Time. [ATA]Temptress is working hard to get it back to hourly but in the meantime, please expect your rewards to arrive in your KAW accounts once a day.
deff not engsgement from kaws side that caused the once a day rewards the kaw realm finnally just got 100 people in total lol
If you're not receiving rewards daily or think you're in the wrong realm, please go to the Extras menu and the Invite Referral Section and enter ATAQUEENS to be put in the correct realm. You can double check you are in the correct realm by going to the Realm map, bottom left button then clicking the map button in the middle of the bottom of the screen (above the coordinates) and you should see the realm number at the top of your screen. That number should be 116 for KAW.
So. This sounds like a pretty cool event. However. In order to obtain KaW rewards from playing KoH, those of us who have invested huge amounts of time and effort in our accounts must give up those accounts... not cool. Nor fair. Also, one of the rewards is the Heckfire Throne. Which was designed and promised to ONLY beta players of KoH. By offering it as an incentive to this event, it’s basically making it meaningless that people participated in the beta. Ata. This is insulting.
I did the invite referral to the wrong damn person. I did it for queens and not ataqueens. Am I screwed? If so I will stop playing now...
Omg how great, another excuse for them not to support us here and to say along the lines of “you won’t be helped because we have 1 support team for all our games together.