I'll keep it short and simple, create an event with an EB that isn't done by individual clans but ALL clans hit the same EB together. Obviously it would be huge and multi-day spanning. Also might take a few tries to see what would be obtainable vs impossible for the community but I think it would he neat. Allow clans to continue their own EBs but have the "Global" open for all clans to hit. What do you think? Feel free to chime in if you can build off of this Edit 06SEP16: I'm low on speakers if any of you wouldn't mind posting in WC asking people to visit the thread. I appreciate all the help and positive feedback I've recieved!Keep pushing, let's make this happen!
Actually to see a community wide eb would be pretty cool to see, I would like to see it in action. Only question I would have is those that don't want to participate would they still be able to run ebs in their clan? Why they wouldn't want to I don't know but you never know with some so that is why is ask. I am all for it though
Just an idea...could make it a non-completeable epic with both individual & world rewards with the time set for 3 days. As long as its set so all players wit att/spy troops can hit difficulty won't matter then but it needs to have a possibly infinite number of bars & phases. The number of these phases every1 knocks down could determine the world reward tiers, whereas individual end reward tiers can b based on your individual efforts overall. Edit...or alternatively one bar that regens to full every time it hits 0 & make end world rewards based on the number of times we zero this bar.
Ironic i just posted a war only event This idea is very interesting indeed and could be fun. Maybe add drops during this global EB during the eb. SUPPORT
Support! Great idea! Maybe get an item phase that guarantees a drop (equip and it's enchantment items) at specific time slots like war -for everyone! No leaving out east Asia and Oceania! The item bar resets every time it's zeroed or regens every 30 sec (that would be a bit annoying but waiting for items is part of the EB experience).
Thanks for so much support everyone! I'm glad others view this as a good idea. Maybe with enough attention we can drag devs to the thread. I loved the idea of "benchmarks" based on an unbeatable EB. Drops would be based on how many time or what stage we got it down to. Even include random drops DURING the EB to keep it exciting. Again, thanks so much!