Petition to Revert back to former forum format

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by SuPeR-I3aD_-X-_TH3_WaR-G0D, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. I've seen and commented on a few threads commenting about the new forums, but havn't really seen anyone say what I've been thinking...

    "If it's not broke, don't fix it!"


    "Now that you've broke it, could you please fix it?"

    So this a petition to bring back the old forum format.

    If you'd like the old forum back, post "Support"

    If you like the new style and want it to stay post "No Support"

    There is a list for both. To get on the lists you MUST have atleast 20* post, and type either "Support" or "No Support".

    Posting reasons for either argument are optional.

    The bottom of this post has now been updated with notable quotes that, in my opinion, sum this thread up.

    *Number subject to change.


    1. SuPeR_CRlMS0N_-X-_THe_WaR_G0D
    2. D4rk
    3. -Rio-
    4. immaculate_heeze
    5. Purpletrishus
    6. ____iJustRide____
    7. JoshtheKiller
    8. Save-
    9. Southlander
    10. The_Unknown_Soldier
    11. Lili_Pain_in_ur_Rear_ISS
    12. ALPHA_NoobTears
    13. ToddstlllluvsBacon
    14. Filthy_Maggot
    15. 5talk3r_53npai
    16. Godxruthless
    17. ___llllALPHAllll______
    18. Jackson
    19. Pie
    20. --__Skyfire__--
    21. DeIta
    22. Yuusei
    23. LMABAO
    24. XxXBatDogXxX
    25. _________Lengendary___joe
    26. Pipebomb
    27. Sierra117
    28. AOD__Ruthless__AOD
    29. Renamed1093
    30. __Mattie


    1. Drgn
    2. Clumzeh-_-flyen-_-spidah
    3. CreepyBalloonMakingClown
    4. xxp_3xx_sh4n3th3cre3p_xxp_3xx
    5. PandaGeorge
    6. hereofdragonborn
    7. l--ll--------X--------ll--l
    8. Jesus
    9. PARSFAN
    10. llFAlZANll
    11. LHL_LegendaryRandomMalice_LHL
    12. PolnseTtla
    13. xxMHxx
    14. -Rainbow_Dash-Nooblet-
    15. Charlie
    17. Adust
    18. Monstermine2



  2. support kinda. they really just need to change the color scheme.
  3. I like the new format, it looks so much better. No support >.>
  4. Can't have a empty list.

    Opposer plz
  5. Love the new format :)

    People will get used to it 
  6. @ Adust if You'd like to oppose pls type no support

    Same to you Vix
  7. No support.
  8. I don't think they need to revert back to the old one. A few tweaks just need to be made so the new format works better. Or they need to combine the two formats. If they asjusted it slightly it'd be fine.

    Keep the original look. But add in the report feature. The online one too if people want. And the moderator and dev titles.
    CharIie likes this.
  9. No support new ones are better
  10. This format fine with me
  11. Hey. I opposed first
  12. I'm OCD wit my rules.

    You want on my list, then follow my rules
  13. Support. It was needless, no one asked for it.
  14. Why not they make it an option you can choose from? In the settings they can have a button that lets you choose. If you choose the old way, it stays like it used to, just with the report button and the online thing. If you choose the new way, it stays set to the new way.
  15. I am the rule breaker.
  16. That is just to much...
  17. Next time you host a war game, I shall join and break all the rules

  18. I just want them to fix this one. It has potential. Needs very few minor tweaks to make it really great.