hero_sapphire 

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Troublemaker, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. This is NOT to cry about being farmed lol. This is merely for amusement and to call a noob out :lol:

    Started out with this forum post xD

    Of which I replied with

    This in itself was amusing. However the wall posts I received for posting were even more entertaining.

    At that point he began farming me. I'm cool with that. I don't have any pots to burn or gold to lose. Not that I'd care it's fake money 

    Anyway so earlier today he attempted several strips... And all I can say is he needs to learn how to strip. You don't attempt a strip on someone who is online. :lol: He did manage to strip 120 mil or so while I was busy 

    Moving on. He then posts this on my wall xD

    I asked a friend to hit him a bit and give him a taste of his own medicine (yes I'm a noob), this due to the size difference and the fact he's mithed up lol. This is what he posted on my friends wall 

    Anyway I'm calling this nub out. Show your main if you have one or grow up. 
    Or at least learn how to strip properly. :lol:

    I'm bored sorry for this post 

    Trolls? Come hither I have a bridge for you.
  2. Lol, support.
  3. Think sapphire is a girl
  4. Oops lol. Oh well 
  5.  not completely sure though u would have to ask here through all the insults she's giving you
  6. Someone incapable of handling constructive criticism.
    Nice work, Op.
  7. I noticed that many times someone is talking crap, they are bigger than you stat wise. Its for thus reason that I like be a low stats, because I don't want the power to go to my head. Good luck OP.
  8. :lol: yeah sapphire seems so acquainted with ZAFT.
  9. Yeah N8, in the same way I am associated with BH lol
  10. On a closer inspection
    It seems hero_sapphire is indeed *ahem*
    A hero.
    On the first page of the thread 'cancer fundraiser' it seems this hero *ahem*
    Donated $16,000 for cancer charity.
    My, my, this kid indeed is *ahem* a hero
  11. Not sure which is worse the builds or asking for help in a 1 on 1
  12. If you're referring to me, my most sincere apologies I'm swapping builds and I can't retaliate in any way 
  13. Looking on the bright side atleast new players are getting into the pvp side
  14. Myself, I'm far from new. I can't speak for hero. 
  15. Hmm a strip would be more effective if you were asleep and he was stealing instead of attacking lol
  16. Asking for help kinda ruined this for you.. Otherwise it would have been funny but now you look like a nub
  17. He's gonna call Zaft on you, be careful crimson
  18. I'm sorry. But crimson didn't quite "ask for random help". When the subject of her and hero fighting was brought up. She admitted that she was too small. Most of the fighters on kaw have a policy to hit idiots on forums if we aren't engaged. Crimson annoyed the idiot because she couldn't hit said idiot. End result is crimson gets hit. She doesn't ask for help in fights. But that doesn't mean her friends won't be there for her whenever she's stuck like that. We often trade targets. One of us is hitting hero. And I'm sure when he's done crimson will be given a target of her size that that guy doesn't like. It's a fair system. Like a tag team game. Not a jump fest