moth shield

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SmoomS, Oct 8, 2018.

  1. Is it possible to get the moth shield past 4?
    I’ve spent a total of close to 11K aqua and inferno.
    It always reverts back to 1,2 or 3 then repeats.

    I’m about to chuck my phone out the window lol
  2. Yes keep trying, it is an absolute pain in the enchant! When you fail try enchanting another equipment. The moth does also drop levels.
  3. You clearly don’t recall original greaves ...oh the memories
  4. I enchanted the Gold Greaves to Max with no resets and two fails. Lol. Whatchu mean?
  5. Oh I do indeed remember those pain in the ass greaves! But moth is worse I feel 
  6. Usually right after lvl 6 for me it goes on a fail streak
  7. Some equipment is harder to enchant than others. I have had some fail 10 times in a row while some were successful to level 10. Good luck in your enchanting. :)