Why thread creators are Martyrs

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kasama, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. X, are you in love with Kas? You just won't leave him alone. Honey, he's just not that into you.
  2. Yes he is lol
  3. Todd, but, but, does that mean he's cheating on me?
    Kas, you should be ashamed of yourself.
  4. I loved kasama before it was cool, you stay away from him you filthy golddigger
  5. Both of you take a number and get in line ...enough for everyone

  6. That's my new favorite image. It's burned into my retinas.
  7. Hey BobRossHappBush are you still on Boost/Android? I got the new iPhone you can have my old one

    iPhone X
  8. I'm very happy with my $30 Alcatel thank you.
  9. I been rekting T. since prehistoric times yo

  10. Cool
  11. Cool? No. Red hot and smoldering with sensuality and bitter, sardonic wit, yes.
  12. ...countdown to getting snitched/banned again lol






  13. Why oh why would a ban hammer be dropped? We're playing nicely.
  14. Do it SlayerBob ...JUST DO IT!!!  
  15. ...Michael lol one of you idc which one 
  16. Who you tryina get banned b? Lol

  17. If I post with user name ToddStillLuvsBacon it usually doesn't get past 10 or so posts 

    They have a wanted poster of me in ATA headquarters 
  18. I think you're safe *shhhh*

  19. Not "trying" to ...(me) 

    I think they're Muslim or Jewish ...don't like bacon
  20. I think you need to get out a bit more