Pick of the litter - my dream team

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by RS-roni-RS, Sep 23, 2017.

  1. I have an iphone 7 shut ur trap. You say a lot of nonsense just like how Florida cant be evacuated when it can

  2. Having an iPhone3 & an iPhone4 doesn't equal having an iPhone7 

    Stop smoking crack then maybe you can afford a NEW phone instead of some pawnshop/craigslist phones ...they up to "X" now you know that right? Let me translate that for you...

    "X"= Latin for 10 

  3. Hey man. Sorry to be off topic. Everyone's been talking on line app about you coming out. Very brave. The lbgtq community must be ecstatic to have you on board
  4. Damm i am gutted.All this time i thought my kaw man shift3r was a lady's man.I am heartbroken.[​IMG]
  5. Look Shifter just got the "X" ...he sent me a pic