️Through the looking glass️

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. Intriguing! Story!!! I will be eagerly anticipating each and every story. You're a Great Writer and story teller. Can't wait for more
  2. Thanks everyone.. ️

    Updated with "The blockade"..

    As this series is mainly set in the Euro/UK, here's a Euro gem from Tiesto with the UK fashion vibe..

    Escape me
  3. Love it Ashe!! Ty for uncluding me hun 
  4. since when taty fights?

    oh right it's a fantasy :roll:
  5. Pure Class Ashes my friend. Exactly the distraction that was needed at exactly the right time. Can't wait to read the next instalment. Something peculiarly comforting reminiscing over KaW history and you really bring it all back in a crazy smart way.
    Kudos my friend

  6. Sry lili but I stick to my targets Which well your not.
    Thread isn't osw related so y not stick to topic instead 
  7. Love it Ashes! Taty, hot as always, my love ;-)
  8. The smell of rust and rotting flesh was spreading through the stale air. Dusty desert was filled with mechanical remains. Giant wheels, geers and levers were piled up high so the gray of the sky was hardly visible. From time to time a broken tune of "Another One Bites the Dust" echoed over the junk yard through invisible speakers.

    "Where are we?" roni asked, stunned by the immencity of devastation.
    Equipped by mechanical monocle, cat peered into distance: "The blockage... the point of stale mate.."

    A thumping sound, not noticed earlier as it was camouflaged by the rhythm of the song,  got their attention. They began their careful movement through the rubbish of the machines towards it.

    From time to time a squeak of an unoiled part would break the monotony as a random meatshield would try to raise for the last time. But then everything would grow still again with just Queen's classic over the speakers and a rhythmic thump.

    It became louder as they approached a bigger pile. The source of thumping was a huge press that was lowering itself down and raising back up. Giant score board updating the number each time.

    As it raised up a wiggle in the middle attracted roni's attention. Tiny rusty tentacles clawed desperately at the air. The tentacles were attached to an old doll head. It poked itself out of the pile of pressed metal and bones as it giggled and screamed: "Respect ur family! I'll teach u! Gahahahaaaa.." and it shook its tiny appendage formed into some sort of a fist at the press.

    The press came down pinning the creature and a number on score board went up. "I stick to my targets! Even they don't see me coming!" - creature's squeak came muffled from under the press.

    "How pathetic..." said roni disgusted and sick to her stomach at the same time
    "Agreed.. taty is not what she used to be or maybe she never was anything, who knows," said cat trying to catch a bloodied bolt that fell off the press as it was going back up into the air...
  9. Oh snap! A Machine doll!

    Disclaimer: The views of the cat in Lili's story are Lili's views only

    Here's the music.. Another one bites the dust

  10. Well lili I must be something since you're clearly obsessed with me  nice story. Must've put alot of energy into thinking of me. So cute 
  11. creativity comes to me easy. i am not a dried up fruit like u.

    i do have a question. How do u "stay on ur targets" when u are pz? :lol:
  13. she doesn't have one. that's the point
  14. Oooo ooo allow me to sidetrack! Since Wizard of Oz is just as trippy as Alice in Wonderland..

    I wonder who you think are the ultimate Kaw characters of

    - Looking for a Brain
    - Looking for a Heart
    - Looking for Courage (hehehe)
    - Looking for a Home
    - Wicked Witch of the West (hehehehe)

    I get dibs to be a flying monkey 
  15. I'm the man behind the curtain.
  16. at Baites motel
  17. He's a master at that hotel
  18. Lmao Willy...brilliant 
  19. Only if I get to be a Lollipop Guild munchkin, Ashes :p