▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Yo Shifter █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by RS-roni-RS, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. The bird of war
  3. it isnt it's a dove.
  4. A dove carrying an olive branch symbolic for peace.
  5. At least that's how it would usually be seen.
  6. It's a chicken aka roni
  7. Why do you hate roni so much?
  8. Bird of war carrying nuclear codes
  9. Skeeeeeert

  10. ....mmmm ifin I'm not mistakin' Dove is a brand of soap AND a type of bird (I think)

    The dove of war?

  11. If you call me and pronounce me as your king, first of his name, rightful ruler of the andales and the first men ruler of the seven kingdoms and you bend the knee, I will grant you leniency
  12. Its superman
  13. Bend the knee M'lady.
  14. Its spelled Andals. And you are missing some commas, it doesnt quite flow right.
  15. Dont push your luck shifter this is the closest thing you'll get as a truce.And anyway i was remembering you said to me 2 months ago that we shouldnt keep fighting with each other .That we would create great forum threads together .You say you loved forums but you dont even try to make it exciting and fun .Maybe because you are still reminising of the olden days on forums .Well people come and people go .You cant not expect things to change. instead of constantly complaining of how bad forums has become. You should lock heads with and collaberate on some ideas and team work . You 2 months ago said you extend a olive branch to me.But you had a temper tantrum and that collaberation was put on hold when you unfollowed me twice haha. So truce or not?Together we can make forums great again !
  16. The king says what he wants!
  17. I mean forums are what you make of it. Instead of seeing all We've lost think of it as all there is left to gain.
  18. Hi Balto you're right they critisize but dont try do anything to make it entertaining again.Deals off shifter . You came on forums and quoted Zorkays comment but didnt even reply to what i wrote. You carry on staying ignorant .You'll never get the chance again .
  19. it's back to war.