Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kasama, Aug 19, 2016.


    Everyone knows of zta and how to gain entry the legitimate way but in the undermarket (slightly better hidden than the black market)

    There are ways around the circle cost.

    If you don't really want to offer the required amount of circles you could offer to suck the admin/owner's toes.


    In wc there is a little thing called asking for a zta clan, regularly you would say you have some circles, however in the undermarket you must speak in code.
    Therefore you say...

    Looking for ZTA, have some quincy

    Of course this doesn't always work and sometimes people will ask you what Quincy is.

    What they don't know is that you are well-versed in the under-lingo so just ignore the peasants or reply with a simple, would you like some Quincy?

    Then immediately block them because you must not let them get your delicious quincy.

    What is quincy exactly?
    That is a really good question.

    Pages have been mysteriously lost in a horrific riverboat sailing accident

    Now that you have located a clan interested in your QUINCY

    You must then find the player calling the shots in cc (clan chat)

    Once discovered, strike at the heart... Go to their pm or just pop the question in cc.

    So whose toes am I suckin'?

    They will probs try to keep it under the table, ignore you or become your arch nemesis.

    Regardless, what happens next is extremely vital...

    Never and I mean nev-

    Further pages has been heavily damaged, apologies more information shortly

    Thanks for reading and good lick.

  2. great guide
  3. that made me laugh actually, thank you
  4. Thanks, will definitely be using this.
  5. Now world chat thinks I'm deranged
  6. World chat already thought you were deranged.
  7. Lmao
  8. I did... things......that I am ashamed of for Quincy
  9. Lol this made my day better
  10. Lmao
  11. Why rotate the toe sucking, take a foot each.
    Never make eye contact though, it just makes it weird and awkward.
  12. lul i saw kasemi in wc doin dis