" The Kaw Obstacles " roni's tricks of the trade !

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by II-roni-II, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. and how to over come them !! Well many have found out Kaw`ing aint easy ! Well fear no longer .if you follow these tried and tested methods.You will not only prolong your life on kaw.You will also have so much fun along the way ! Step 1 :- A essential must , even when life has been rough on you on the outside - " Exude confidence " .if this is evident from day one .Then no matter how many haters you pick up on your kaw journey .You will be able too not only outwit them but also outshine them. You can get inside their inner pysche and core when you appear unbeatable & unshakable .Then you will always be 1 step ahead of their game no matter how many they cry to to aid them against you. inner strength and belief is key to taking them all down while you continue to soar to become Kaw Legendary .! Step 2 To me this fallback was vital because when the haters come along they of corse will try and get you ejected from every clan that you join. So after you have got the basic lower land kingdom .you must save 25b to buy yourself your own clan to used when needed to retreat to to become your safe haven .Nobody can touch you in here , i used to many a time when my haters abused their admin status to spread lies to my clan owners or admin to vindictavely get me dropped from clans. i would go into my own safe shell and hit out at all my enemys. Perfect- you are invincible and you can even put some ebs on and they cant tamper any more with you ! Rule 3 - Dont be a try hard and wannabe gangster too fast and too soon you will self destruct pretty quick .Take a look at the shining examples BobRossHappyBush and PurpleeEyelashess they crashed and burned ! The quote " Fools rush in where angels fear to tread " captures and sums up my whole explanation here .! You need build up the momentum slowly and surely. it takes years to become a kaw superstar and legend and to be able to capture everyones kaw heart. .When you show stamina to keep getting up no matter what pitfalls come at you then you are half way there and gain peoples respect and they then start seeing you in a different light. Then you can really play ball !! Rule 4 - Dont fear fear the language barrier.Despite the distance and culture difference i have formed great friends when stepped into the unknown .And things arent always how you expected them to be and many members are bilingual so you can communicate and talk easyily. O.k ill be honest initially i was having flash backs of being dropped from lots of clans before .and me being paranoid that with the ammount of people / idiots i clash with they will bound to try get me ejected again from new clans that i joined.so i thought if they cant understand the language they cant get thier message to get me dropped understood .So with that in mind i joined my next clan .But how perfect it turned out to be. and i aint looked back.i made a great friend Lili who was the translator and then we joined forces to have many laughs. and this clan ran the perfect combination of ebs because i aint a fan of h.t.e.And many speak English so try everything and every clan dont let fear hold you back. Rule 5 = Trust only a few and doubt everyone. Most will back stab you in a instant and jump to the other side when you wasted so much time helping and defending them. But despite that hind sight some enemys do become really good friends in the end ..Lastly know and keep this in mind this that always comes kaw true.Eventually all the kaw idiots that grouped together and try gang up on you. Over time they all end up clashing with each other and fall out of being friends . And you are still shining ,it happened to me it`s my Kaw story !
  2. your english has gotten a lot better than when you started. i didn't have any trouble understanding any of that.
  3. Wall of text. I think it's got to the point where everyone just ignores what roni says?
  4. Step 1. Punctuation - If you type like a 6-year old, no one will bother to read what you have to say.
  5. I find this statement both adequate and truthful thank you Phartacus

    Step 2, make statements that are not hypocritical like your step 3.
  6. It's true. I can confirm what roni says. Dat wall of text doe.
  7. TLDR. Rule 6: If you can't use proper grammar, don't post forums or anywhere for that matter.
  8. Now let all the haters appear to mock the thread. Oh wait. Mocking threads all I see cause I've yet to see my Roni gone from kaw. Been hearing now for awhile her days are coming to an end and I'll be damned if I don't look in wc or forums and she has someone crying. Keep up the good work Roni.
  9. Thankyou Wordmaster and Bella . I forgot Rule 7 - don't waste vast ammounts of real life money to build up your stats massively only to have a temper tantrum and knock it all down to zero stats .This fit of madness is irreversible and many have regretted it instantly ( like Ty who is now back to spending more money to get it back how it was ).
  10. Hi Krakkerz thankyou.
  11. Step 10: be everyone on kaws ALT
  12. I just reread this and noticed my shoutout
    And I just wanna say thanks roni I wouldn't be where I was today without u and your paranoia that I'm a pimd alt here to take over KAW forums your my biggest supporter and I love you and I aspire to be just like you some day! Also if you could just let me know how I crashed and burned so I can improve thankssss babe
  13. She's delusional, don't even bother
  14. KaW is easy if you build a social army instead of growing yourself, and then encourage them to hit whoever you don't like. I, of course, never did that, but it would definitely work.
  15. No the trick is to just be really bad so no one can hit you
  16. Roni is better than Billy Mays.

  17. Hi Toast you're not wrong .i do try my hardest to be self sufficiant and not turn to anyone and fight my own battles.But sometimes its nice to let others take over and help you out.Most call in their friends to hit their enemy's. i had it even done to me yesterday.So there's no shame at doing it as well.if they want to go there then so can you.
  18. Blabble blabble bleeblu bleeblu blu. Blobble blooblo bleeblu blablo??? ...bleeblu blooble blabble blobbblo blublu!!! Blayblo bleeblo blueboo ....BOINK!!!!!

    blablo bleeblu
  19. The Art of War says something about using others against your enemies.
  20. You should know as a worm that sometimes you have to play dirty and go all out.