Click here to see Draft to SUPPORT for S6 Say support if you want indi in S6. The cons far out weigh the pro's mainly MANY PEOPLE wont find a war clan when S6 pulls around cause like now the good clan will be filled with good players and the others will be noobs who will quit after the lose constantly the 1st week. Leaving us with a tops of maybe 6 clans warring and 180 participating. I want variety during the 4 weeks of war! LIFE _____iJustRide_____ ---Ruthless-MaCHiNE--- FlameAssassin Fllyyy -grizzy- ThE_WaCKo_MaCHiNE APoPHis_Th3-Ev1LG0D_MaCHiNE __Individually_Idiosyncratic__ milkywayyy xXP_3Xx_-DotNet-_xXP_3Xx --R1CE-- sparta-2qw Zaul -_Hidden_Beauty_- -SFH-_Queen-of-Hearts_-SFH- NinjaGhost23 ImmortalFaZe stevemeyerhoff -Triky- HangOutWithMyWangOut __BRUTAL_LORD_KATSUMOTO__ IIlllIl-TH3__GR4V310RD-lIllIIl ML_Falco_ML lIVlIUlILlITlIUlIRlIElI HiT__IGreenjetsI__RaG l___Ty___l Harrian calydon O 101010011010011001011010100110 llliillliillliilllillillililil poopeyerus --KiLLeR-oF-HoPE_MaCHiNE-- sirafkcaj99 d3m0n_ -III-ISI-IAI-I-INI-ITI-III- SE___-llINlI-lIUl-lIKl-lI3l-SE IIIlNight_SkylIII Amadov lIl-X-lIEIlRlIAIl-X-lIl ShadyMarine -DK- lIlPIIIlIllIlIiIlIIIllIllIGIlI --CF__BARBARIAN__CF-- 101010011001011001011010100110 IlllIllIIllSquishyIIllIlIllII (SPLIT LL AND INDI) _llSIlcIIollIrIlIpIlillolInlI_ unstoppableTIGER FireHeartLion ___XIXl_____ScOpEz_____lXIX___ -WidEspReaD_PaniC- TROOPERKINGS MaryIsBae _____H___E___C___T___0___R____ ISS_BenLSA_ISS (Supports boycott if we dont get our way) ------A-TiCKLe-_-Me-_-ELmO---- yolo_fish SF_RED_SF Snoopy Eiwa PhartacusX IKE_____Souls_Keeper_____IKE Damieninhell FAYE-cotk aarav -Sweet-n-Sauer- -Stark1- joshuaong 23_GreenNinja Cobra AntiCancerDrug IlII_BaronllIVonlIlBagel_Illl -_-TINY_TlTAN-_- IB-50viking-IB vFlight HT-xxllliiAJtheGREATiilllxx-HT xXx_Batman_xXx XDHX-RevolverZ-XDHX Onsey rooney12345 lIl_white_lIl Yoda IlIRlIlUIlIDIIlYIlI xX-TANK-Xx XxX_Rebel702_XxX Alphawolve12 MM-AzuraRose-MM IllIlllIIlEIlNlIVIIYlIIlIllIIl DDS-_-D3V1LS_RAGE-_-DDS Majin_Venom MY_____-K-U-N-I-_____TH coulson5713 xx_TOMMY_xx -ManOfGuns- NCU--MiniShaddow--OC lil_miss_greedy weeddgg AE-OZZen-AE Taj_1 __-TheActualSpin-__ llXll___ShadowsFury___llXll Atom-The_Summoner Teddy-Krueger AQV_ninja_tyrone_AQV Thin_Diesel_MaCHiNE -Rio- TheRealist Lanie xXSh4N3xTh3XxxXCre3P_3Xx AngryFred1138 Os-Zum_Ba Rochendil TheyHateUsCuzTheyAintUs Ale-handro Ruthless Expresten Vas Poppa_Nomad_MaCHiNE immortal999 VINoOoPAN_____oOiio _Queen_ Derionicle_Inumbro Gromet________________________ Jase -Sm0keY-_-MaCHiNE-SE- Erec_Rex lRlElNlAlGlAlDlEIIMlAlSlTlElRl sexyheels lIxXDANXxIl Kristell N3vR H3IL chocolate23 _-UNCHAINED-_ lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl Os-I0II3IIHIEIAIIVIEIINII1II6I llllMiNTllll 101010011010011010101010100110 suckers251 SR-Sneakbo GeneraI_lce -llll_VikingKiller_lllll- AshtonRocks MM--MsMystique--MM X__Icarium__X III--DEMONSNELLE--III Anubis rooks XIXlX-C_A_E_S_A_R-XIXlX King-Of-Terror Mizzy_X Talon -KoK-_Soup31_-KoK- Wakebuster CzarnoBog mickeymouse Timonthy OMETOTCHTIIl SH_FREYJA_SH iZombieBagger Radagast 4S-Dj974- x1-_jinchriki-SHS-Shonobi_EURO Mink -RoCK_CRuSHiNG_MaCHiNE- Chaos BaLLz_tHE_MaCHiNE xXD3mOnXx RSH___SilverLilli___RSH golthar IICIICIl-KAWIKA-IICIIClI Centurion ML__xXshyFalcoXx__ML ATE_MY_TWIN_IN_THE_WOMB Catalase FURION66 Os-I0II3IIHIEIAIIVIEIINII1II6I ______________E__ Ganesha -sjgenius69- sTiNkFiSt MockingBird SHADDOWFAXX IlSlIPII-Bamboozle-IlWIlTIlFIl xX_MATA_HARI_Xx Filthy_Maggot lIlIl_Dead_Man_Walking_lIlIl styagi xXP_3Xx_mischief_rogue_xXP_3Xx -HoBo- IlSlIPII-SavagePug-IlSlIPII Brave-New-World Mm-420-mM -llLll0llRllDII--ViK--lIl1lIl- --Bandit8X-- Il_lI-IlIlKaWlIlI-Il_lI -_-GREEN-BAY-AARON-RODGERS-_- Dead-Zeph Xx___Shooter___xX II__Elite__II Country-Boy littlehohnjo FlameAssassin Darkness-Incarnate Yankeesx23 NotTom llIll-_Evil__Arrow_-llIll _TaP_-BUDwiser-_TaP_ KingOfDamnation surfalot ZOOM Chaos-Flame ____death__WNB MoNi-SiA Hongkong1234 Kael_a_Wanderer BaBy_DraGon_ZePPy_-- SavageBeast Redbourne IIIII-I-Stinky-I-llllllll ChuckNorris_TheGodOfWar Lili_Pain_in_Ur_Rear_ISS ___XIXl_____ScOpEz_____lXIX___ WWWWMWWWMWWMW___AVMMF-lISWoDIl lIIllSllIll-VursE-IIlIlDlllIl -yoyodog- NotShawn ALPHA_NoobTears DE-Flame_is_Noobie27-MM -yoyodog- Pedino 2dope4youm8 dbspd2012 Idiot prokiller79 -DONK- IllI_ASTHMA_IllI YourMomCanSkoWhyCantYou Scrapster Purge IIlIIIllIl-Eldrynil-lIllIlIIlI lllllllWASNT_MEllllllllllllllI llllFROSTYllll OMETOTCHTIL1 DragonMama PoWeeZy anuluffy Kastyr MrX -lEl-lNl-ll-lGl-lMl-lAl- Sh0cKWaVe -Mooney- Cheetos Giacomeli LilWayne Pyrismo EU-LoveableMidget-EU Ghost_Rider13 _green_ lndomie Sheep_Hate_Me Zai _-A_tiger_in_disguise-_ Os-llIIllIlllEggllIIlllIll Lady-Bree First_Class IlIIllIl_SE-Simba-SE_IllIIlIl -_-Clyde-_- cold999 IlIlIl-EvIL_H4rryllll______Xx- RichiM chickenjones44_reincarnation Grafrew Kristell Paradox lNightl tomxbrady III_PoCho_III DeSi-BoYz Unclear War_White-Kodiak-GreatBear_War SkiSerenity -lllllllllllllllllll- VIIIVRunufoolsVIIIV Venom xxHazzer Jackalope IIl__CoreRupted__lII Ryanjones144 _No-Name-MaCHiNE_ deadwood69 footch
Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6 I support having indi and lowland in every time slot let people choose but no support to indi on its own its full of idiots.
Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6 I'll support a S6 LL wars and a S6 indi wars as 2 separate leagues. Players will have to pick one or the other and stick with it until the end of the season, but can't do both. If that's what op meant then I support.
Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6 This would quite simply not work. While many players claim to love wars, or want more frequent wars in order for something like this to make sense and be viable turnout for wars would need to almost double what it's currently at. This would instead only reduce the number of possible matchups, providing poor quality matches.