Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Come_Inside, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. Click here to see Draft to SUPPORT for S6

    Say support if you want indi in S6.
    The cons far out weigh the pro's mainly MANY PEOPLE wont find a war clan when S6 pulls around cause like now the good clan will be filled with good players and the others will be noobs who will quit after the lose constantly the 1st week. Leaving us with a tops of maybe 6 clans warring and 180 participating.

    I want variety during the 4 weeks of war!

    1. LIFE
    2. _____iJustRide_____
    3. ---Ruthless-MaCHiNE---
    4. FlameAssassin
    5. Fllyyy
    6. -grizzy-
    7. ThE_WaCKo_MaCHiNE
    8. APoPHis_Th3-Ev1LG0D_MaCHiNE
    9. __Individually_Idiosyncratic__
    10. milkywayyy
    11. xXP_3Xx_-DotNet-_xXP_3Xx
    12. --R1CE--
    13. sparta-2qw
    14. Zaul
    15. -_Hidden_Beauty_-
    16. -SFH-_Queen-of-Hearts_-SFH-
    17. NinjaGhost23
    18. ImmortalFaZe
    19. stevemeyerhoff
    20. -Triky-
    21. HangOutWithMyWangOut
    23. IIlllIl-TH3__GR4V310RD-lIllIIl
    24. ML_Falco_ML
    25. lIVlIUlILlITlIUlIRlIElI
    26. HiT__IGreenjetsI__RaG
    27. l___Ty___l
    28. Harrian
    29. calydon
    30. O
    31. 101010011010011001011010100110
    32. llliillliillliilllillillililil
    33. poopeyerus
    34. --KiLLeR-oF-HoPE_MaCHiNE--
    35. sirafkcaj99
    36. d3m0n_
    38. SE___-llINlI-lIUl-lIKl-lI3l-SE
    39. IIIlNight_SkylIII
    40. Amadov
    41. lIl-X-lIEIlRlIAIl-X-lIl
    42. ShadyMarine
    43. -DK-
    44. lIlPIIIlIllIlIiIlIIIllIllIGIlI
    45. --CF__BARBARIAN__CF--
    46. 101010011001011001011010100110
    47. IlllIllIIllSquishyIIllIlIllII (SPLIT LL AND INDI)
    48. _llSIlcIIollIrIlIpIlillolInlI_
    49. unstoppableTIGER
    50. FireHeartLion
    51. ___XIXl_____ScOpEz_____lXIX___
    52. -WidEspReaD_PaniC-
    54. MaryIsBae
    55. _____H___E___C___T___0___R____
    56. ISS_BenLSA_ISS (Supports boycott if we dont get our way)
    57. ------A-TiCKLe-_-Me-_-ELmO----
    58. yolo_fish
    59. SF_RED_SF
    60. Snoopy
    61. Eiwa
    62. PhartacusX
    63. IKE_____Souls_Keeper_____IKE
    64. Damieninhell
    65. FAYE-cotk
    66. aarav
    67. -Sweet-n-Sauer-
    68. -Stark1-
    69. joshuaong
    70. 23_GreenNinja
    71. Cobra
    72. AntiCancerDrug
    73. IlII_BaronllIVonlIlBagel_Illl
    74. -_-TINY_TlTAN-_-
    75. IB-50viking-IB
    76. vFlight
    77. HT-xxllliiAJtheGREATiilllxx-HT
    78. xXx_Batman_xXx
    79. XDHX-RevolverZ-XDHX
    80. Onsey
    81. rooney12345
    82. lIl_white_lIl
    83. Yoda
    84. IlIRlIlUIlIDIIlYIlI
    85. xX-TANK-Xx
    86. XxX_Rebel702_XxX
    87. Alphawolve12
    88. MM-AzuraRose-MM
    89. IllIlllIIlEIlNlIVIIYlIIlIllIIl
    90. DDS-_-D3V1LS_RAGE-_-DDS
    91. Majin_Venom
    92. MY_____-K-U-N-I-_____TH
    93. coulson5713
    94. xx_TOMMY_xx
    95. -ManOfGuns-
    96. NCU--MiniShaddow--OC
    97. lil_miss_greedy
    98. weeddgg
    99. AE-OZZen-AE
    100. Taj_1
    101. __-TheActualSpin-__
    102. llXll___ShadowsFury___llXll
    103. Atom-The_Summoner
    104. Teddy-Krueger
    105. AQV_ninja_tyrone_AQV
    106. Thin_Diesel_MaCHiNE
    107. -Rio-
    108. TheRealist
    109. Lanie
    110. xXSh4N3xTh3XxxXCre3P_3Xx
    111. AngryFred1138
    112. Os-Zum_Ba
    113. Rochendil
    114. TheyHateUsCuzTheyAintUs
    115. Ale-handro
    116. Ruthless
    117. Expresten
    118. Vas
    119. Poppa_Nomad_MaCHiNE
    120. immortal999
    121. VINoOoPAN_____oOiio
    122. _Queen_
    123. Derionicle_Inumbro
    124. Gromet________________________
    125. Jase
    126. -Sm0keY-_-MaCHiNE-SE-
    127. Erec_Rex
    128. lRlElNlAlGlAlDlEIIMlAlSlTlElRl
    129. sexyheels
    130. lIxXDANXxIl
    131. Kristell
    132. N3vR
    133. H3IL
    134. chocolate23
    135. _-UNCHAINED-_
    136. lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl
    138. llllMiNTllll
    139. 101010011010011010101010100110
    140. suckers251
    141. SR-Sneakbo
    142. GeneraI_lce
    143. -llll_VikingKiller_lllll-
    144. AshtonRocks
    145. MM--MsMystique--MM
    146. X__Icarium__X
    148. Anubis
    149. rooks
    150. XIXlX-C_A_E_S_A_R-XIXlX
    151. King-Of-Terror
    152. Mizzy_X
    153. Talon
    154. -KoK-_Soup31_-KoK-
    155. Wakebuster
    156. CzarnoBog
    157. mickeymouse
    158. Timonthy
    160. SH_FREYJA_SH
    161. iZombieBagger
    162. Radagast
    163. 4S-Dj974-
    164. x1-_jinchriki-SHS-Shonobi_EURO
    165. Mink
    166. -RoCK_CRuSHiNG_MaCHiNE-
    167. Chaos
    168. BaLLz_tHE_MaCHiNE
    169. xXD3mOnXx
    170. RSH___SilverLilli___RSH
    171. golthar
    173. Centurion
    174. ML__xXshyFalcoXx__ML
    176. Catalase
    177. FURION66
    179. ______________E__
    180. Ganesha
    181. -sjgenius69-
    182. sTiNkFiSt
    183. MockingBird
    185. IlSlIPII-Bamboozle-IlWIlTIlFIl
    186. xX_MATA_HARI_Xx
    187. Filthy_Maggot
    188. lIlIl_Dead_Man_Walking_lIlIl
    189. styagi
    190. xXP_3Xx_mischief_rogue_xXP_3Xx
    191. -HoBo-
    192. IlSlIPII-SavagePug-IlSlIPII
    193. Brave-New-World
    194. Mm-420-mM
    195. -llLll0llRllDII--ViK--lIl1lIl-
    196. --Bandit8X--
    197. Il_lI-IlIlKaWlIlI-Il_lI
    199. Dead-Zeph
    200. Xx___Shooter___xX
    201. II__Elite__II
    202. Country-Boy
    203. littlehohnjo
    204. FlameAssassin
    205. Darkness-Incarnate
    206. Yankeesx23
    207. NotTom
    208. llIll-_Evil__Arrow_-llIll
    209. _TaP_-BUDwiser-_TaP_
    210. KingOfDamnation
    211. surfalot
    212. ZOOM
    213. Chaos-Flame
    214. ____death__WNB
    215. MoNi-SiA
    216. Hongkong1234
    217. Kael_a_Wanderer
    218. BaBy_DraGon_ZePPy_--
    219. SavageBeast
    220. Redbourne
    221. IIIII-I-Stinky-I-llllllll
    222. ChuckNorris_TheGodOfWar
    223. Lili_Pain_in_Ur_Rear_ISS
    224. ___XIXl_____ScOpEz_____lXIX___
    226. lIIllSllIll-VursE-IIlIlDlllIl
    227. -yoyodog-
    228. NotShawn
    229. ALPHA_NoobTears
    230. DE-Flame_is_Noobie27-MM
    231. -yoyodog-
    232. Pedino
    233. 2dope4youm8
    234. dbspd2012
    235. Idiot
    236. prokiller79
    237. -DONK-
    238. IllI_ASTHMA_IllI
    239. YourMomCanSkoWhyCantYou
    240. Scrapster
    241. Purge
    242. IIlIIIllIl-Eldrynil-lIllIlIIlI
    243. lllllllWASNT_MEllllllllllllllI
    244. llllFROSTYllll
    246. DragonMama
    247. PoWeeZy
    248. anuluffy
    249. Kastyr
    250. MrX
    251. -lEl-lNl-ll-lGl-lMl-lAl-
    252. Sh0cKWaVe
    253. -Mooney-
    254. Cheetos
    255. Giacomeli
    256. LilWayne
    257. Pyrismo
    258. EU-LoveableMidget-EU
    259. Ghost_Rider13
    260. _green_
    261. lndomie
    262. Sheep_Hate_Me
    263. Zai
    264. _-A_tiger_in_disguise-_
    265. Os-llIIllIlllEggllIIlllIll
    266. Lady-Bree
    267. First_Class
    268. IlIIllIl_SE-Simba-SE_IllIIlIl
    269. -_-Clyde-_-
    270. cold999
    271. IlIlIl-EvIL_H4rryllll______Xx-
    272. RichiM
    273. chickenjones44_reincarnation
    274. Grafrew
    275. Kristell
    276. Paradox
    277. lNightl
    278. tomxbrady
    279. III_PoCho_III
    280. DeSi-BoYz
    281. Unclear
    282. War_White-Kodiak-GreatBear_War
    283. SkiSerenity
    284. -lllllllllllllllllll-
    285. VIIIVRunufoolsVIIIV
    286. Venom
    287. xxHazzer
    288. Jackalope
    289. IIl__CoreRupted__lII
    290. Ryanjones144
    291. _No-Name-MaCHiNE_
    292. deadwood69
    293. footch
  2. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

    Full support
  3. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

  4. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

  5. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

    Support you nubs
  6. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

    I support having indi and lowland in every time slot let people choose but no support to indi on its own its full of idiots.
  7. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

  8. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

  9. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

  10. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

  11. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

    Support 100%
  12. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

    I'll support a S6 LL wars and a S6 indi wars as 2 separate leagues. Players will have to pick one or the other and stick with it until the end of the season, but can't do both. If that's what op meant then I support.
  13. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

    Support 
  14. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6


    Or can do both.
    Either way.
  15. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

  16. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

  17. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

  18. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

    Sign me up
  19. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

    This ^
  20. Re: Petition for INDI APART OF S6

    This would quite simply not work.

    While many players claim to love wars, or want more frequent wars in order for something like this to make sense and be viable turnout for wars would need to almost double what it's currently at. This would instead only reduce the number of possible matchups, providing poor quality matches.