[WIN A SEAL!] ★ Help With Equipment Guide ★

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Choccy, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. Hello, dear KaWmunity! :)

    This is a thread that contains information about what data (enchantment costs and stats) that still has not be gathered in the Equipment Guide.

    Some of this information is already in the old Equipment Guide, but some equipment are missing from that guide. It will take a lot of time to gather all that information ourselves, and that is why we want to seek help from the KaWmunity to help us gather this information.

    Everyone that helps us with this, will be added to a "thank you"-list when the guide is completed.

    WIN A SEAL! :D
    Every player that helps out with this guide, will get a chance to win a seal when the guide is done! I'll pick a random player that will be rewarded with a seal! I'm not sure how many seals I will give out yet. The seal will be used in a clan the winner has chosen.

    This is the information that we are currently missing:

    War Equipment
    • Wolf Ring: Lvl. 1-10 Cost, Lvl. 1-9 Stats
      Helm of the Betrayer: Lvl. 1-10 Cost, Lvl. 1-6 Stats, Lvl. 8 Stats
      Primal Club: Lvl. 1-7 Cost, Lvl. 9-10 Cost, Lvl. 1-6 Stats, Lvl. 8-9 Stats
      Retractile Claws: Lvl. 1-10 Cost, Lvl. 1-9 Stats
      Ursine Breastplate: Lvl. 1-10 Cost, Lvl. 1-8 Stats
      Hidden Impalers: Lvl. 1-8 Cost, Lvl. 10 Cost, Lvl. 1-6 Stats, Lvl. 9 Stats

      Tidal Chestplate: Lvl. 5-6 Cost, Lvl. 8-10 Cost, Lvl. 14-15 Cost, Lvl. 1 Stats, Lvl. 4 Stats, Lvl. 6-9 Stats, Lvl. 13-15 Stats
      Zephyr Armguards: Lvl. 7 Stats, Lvl. 14 Stats
      Dagger of Undine: Lvl. 1 Stats, Lvl. 4 Stats
      Conch of the Waves: Lvl. 14-15 Cost, Lvl. 13-14 Stats
      Dagger of Sylphid: Lvl. 1 Cost, Lvl. 3-11 Cost, Lvl. 2-3 Stats, Lvl. 5-7 Stats, Lvl. 9-10 Stats

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    If you have any questions, feel free to send a message on my message wall or in my PM. Please keep questions away from this thread.

    JoPro likes this.
  2. ★ Help With Equipment Guide ★

    People who have helped:
    1. joshuaong
    2. Aimdeverel
    3. CraCkFaRrOkH
    4. -_WHAT_-WOW-
    5. Recruit020
    6. __ENVY__
    7. snaphy_007
    8. lIlIlIl-Storm_Savior-lIlIlIl
    9. IIII__III____BES____III__IIII
    10. --SweetBaby--
    11. Ludwigvon88leretour
    12. I_DOM_I
    13. WOLVERlNE
    14. DQMiQN
    15. Trullo
    16. TxXx_Phoenix-Blade_xXxT
    17. Freeb
    18. Dibaba
    19. jnaqash1
    21. -grizzy-
    22. WordsOfWisdom
    23. IIIIlIll___Enjoy___lllIllIl
    24. Giacomeli
    25. curlytopz24
    26. o00_Emy_00o
    27. IceJarI_PEL
    28. Sum__Ting__Wong
    29. ZF-Excalibur
    30. _-LORD-SORA-_
    31. o_O_____Frog____o_0
    32. lordclin
    33. xXx_black_dustwalker_xXx
    34. L0st_Pho3nix
    35. Ouddas
    36. Warriors_1
    37. O0l0lClI_IlHII-llAIl_IlXIO0lIO
    38. suicideblonde
    39. -Easy-
    40. RoyTheGreat
    41. doni245
    42. Kosmix
    43. dRahat3
    44. Merkin
    45. --CF___WAR_DEM0N__CF--
    46. _xxXX_lIlKlIlAlIlZlIl_XXxx_
    47. GaryYip1314
    48. pptanpp
    49. Master
    51. -Scottie-
    52. wijzijnok
    53. Aahzmandius
    54. ALPHA_CoyWolf
    56. SlayHawk
    57. MagicMarsh
    58. Wiggodragon1
    59. Xxx-Mac-xxX
    60. -Lasho-
    61. SHL_SKelly18_SHL
    62. Owwenn
    63. gr3ml1n
    64. M4X
    65. justaustchau
    66. ________G_D_M_F_S_O_B_____
    67. ChipmunkOfDoom
    68. -___llilIlH1TT3RIIIlll________
    69. KajikaBurnsworth
    70. IlF-IlR-IlE-IlD
    71. -SUNDANCE-
    72. evermore13
    73. DN_Kassio
    74. kodi_89
    75. -DuckyFuzz-
    76. Tarzan-6
    77. sylai
    78. Droppin_Loads
    79. -IRIE-
    80. lxIBishoplxI
    81. malamute5-
    82. LeeLoo_Dallas_Multi-Pass
    83. Bull180-DFA
    84. XXX___LURKER___XXX
    85. MaiziDay
    86. degsdg
    87. GIACOMO-the-jester
    88. -ian-
    89. King_Helium
    90. -Charmed-
    92. Mrts
    93. -_-standingontoilet-_-
    94. -DragonRevenge-
    95. APOLL0
    96. Watchmee
    97. Galistan
    98. iilllii-_-iiilli
    99. ROADKlLL
    100. milkywayyy
    101. NotVaIkyrie
    102. -lllllllllllllllllll-
    103. X_The_Captain_X
    104. -llLll0llRllDII--ViK--lIl1lIl-
    105. ALPHA_bEaStmOdE
    106. ALPHA__PsG_DoG__ALPHA
    107. -5nobody5-
    108. --faiz--
    109. -oxl0lxo_Mo8yC4n3_oxl0lxo-
    110. lllllMahalllllBalilllll
    111. ShadowEnigma
    112. IiCIllHllIiilCIiilKlliiOiilI
    113. Devin99
    114. cold999
    115. Mr-Tyler
    116. -llAllSxllSxllAllSllSxlIlxlNl-
    117. the_great_magicman
    118. AverageAtBest
    119. Bronchitis
    120. bUlIeyTeDIazylndianSoIdi3r
    121. llII_CrAcKeRs-Sparda_IIll
    122. ZF-Leon
    123. TheSpartanGod
    124. Ts_MonKey-NuTs_Ts
    125. CDI__Bruticus_the_Beeben__CDI
    126. ___----lllll_Love_lllll----___
    127. weeddgg
    128. QUEEN-of-13-SHADO-VV-S
    129. -0ne-
    130. ----Wizard----
    131. D0NKS
    132. _Makai_
    133. Delsoul
    134. Liquid
    135. xXP_3Xx_Leo_xXP_3Xx
    136. GiveThemNothing
    137. Jackson
    138. dasoid
    140. Jon12345678910
    141. KING____FUNKY-GOLEM____KING
  3. Re: ★ Help With Equipment Guide ★

    I may have some of that missing info under spreadsheet format and I'll provide you a link to the latest version once I have access to a PC (sometimes next week).

    Just curious: do you have all data about event rewards gear?
  4. Re: ★ Help With Equipment Guide ★


    We're not planning to have event equipment in the guide, as it will be too much info to gather.
  5. Re: ★ Help With Equipment Guide ★

    List updated.
  6. Re: ★ Help With Equipment Guide ★

    I forgot to add the Mesmeric Ring to the list. It has been added now.
  7. Re: ★ Help With Equipment Guide ★

    Stabilezer Boots: Lvl. 2 costs 1 inf
    att: 764,381 def: 1,978,831
    s att: 363,131 s def: 1,424,438

    Bloodless Helm: Lvl. 2 costs 1 inf
    att 648,675 def 2,722,275
    s att 180,900 s def 750,600

    Mesmeric Ring: lv 11
    Att/def: 0
    s att 8,038,500 s def 10,514,125

    Dragon Minion: Lv 11
    Att 7,362,500 def 44,946,875
    s att 3,206,250 s def 19,059,375

    Dragon-scale Armor: Lv 10
    att 6,446,000 def 25,674,800
    s att 8,841,200 s def 38,136,800

    Dragon-scale Armor: Lv 11 costs 9 inf 8 aqua

    Jaws of Death: Lvl. 2 costs 2 inf 1 aqua
  8. Re: ★ Help With Equipment Guide ★

    Thank you so much for the help! :D

    I will update the lists once I get on a computer.
  9. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    New eq
  10. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    The lists have been updated. Thanks to everyone who have helped so far! :D
  11. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    List updated.
  12. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    Three new users added to the list, and the Equipment list have been updated. Thanks, guys! :D
  13. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    Lists updated.
  14. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    Lists have been updated. Thanks for the help so far, guys! :)
  15. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    Lists have been upated.
  16. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    Have ring of the tempest at level 15 if that helps forgot the exact amounts to upgrade all I know is it was a lot and probably not worth it oh well looks OK I guess.
  17. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    Thanks! :)

    Is 15 the highest level? And do you know about any other users that may have any of the war equipments?

    The lists will be updated later.
  18. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    Lists updated.
  19. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    Lists have been updated. Currently, a total of 24 players have been helping. Thanks a lot, guys! :)
  20. Re: ★ Help With Equipments Guide ★

    Lists updated.