Post below who your favourite Forumer of 2015 is and why. Kappa Pride! Lel. Nominees (But you may vote whoever you wish) Jeff:2 Roni:8 (Lel) (no colour4u) Shrek?:2 KaW_Creative:4 (Hail Devs) Zeth:2 Willy:8 _-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-:1 Ashes:14 Spragga:1 Anarchy:2 Sasuke:2 -grizzly-:1 Saltyfeet:2 (op asf) Clumzeh-_-Flyen-_-Spidah:1 Sean893:3 Hydra-Shok:1 Chocolate23:5 Sethosarus_:1 Cynderstrike:1 Vulgarize:1 <3 Frog:2 Fluffles:1 DreadedCalls:1 Strawb3rry:1 Drgn:1 Meeeeeeeeee:1 RPL-X-D:1 PRIME:1 Ashes received the most votes, so she therefore is the most popular Forumer of 2015 Favourite Forumer of all time Slayerbob:2 Distant Lovers:1 Jeff:2 Roni:8 (Lel) (no colour4u) Shrek?:2 KaW_Creative:4 (Hail Devs) Zeth:2 Willy:8 _-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-:1 Ashes:17 Spragga:1 Anarchy:2 Sasuke:2 -grizzly-:1 Saltyfeet:2 (op asf) Clumzeh-_-Flyen-_-Spidah:1 Sean893:3 Hydra-Shok:1 Chocolate23:5 Sethosarus_:1 Cynderstrike:1 Vulgarize:1 <3 Frog:2 Fluffles:1 DreadedCalls:1 Strawb3rry:1 Drgn:1 Meeeeeeeeee:1 RPL-X-D:1 PRIME:1 Note- I have had pm's and people wall me their vote, so don't say I counted wrong and 8 people hasn't voted for that person etc. -_
I'd have to say Willy. Always a good read, even though they are getting rare. On a side note, I wonder if frog will nominate himself with his alt again.