Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. Fellow players of Kaw,

    So much noobish behaviours have brought forth low down dirty shame to the classy game of KAW.

    The time has come, in the seventh year of our lord Spragga, to lay down a set of rules to abide by all denizens of this game.

    Behold.. (dramatic pause)..

    The definitive Kode of KAW!

    *Trumpets play*

    These articles of The Kode shall be upheld at all times by all the cool players and those found to be in violation will be unceremoniously kicked out of the circle of cool-people of KAW..

    Amendments can be submitted on this thread and shall be vetted by the Kaw Illuminati and canonized should they have merit.

    Let it be written, so let it be done!

    1- If thy drops build, makes a grandiose retirement thread on forums and "quit KAW"... Thy shall not return for atleast 3 months

    2- Thou shall not buy someone's RL spouse off their ally list

    3- Everyone is Catfish. No exceptions

    4- Thou shall not activate a hidden allies spell when thy just got stripped naked

    5- Thy can hang a poster of the Kaw loading screen girl on thy bedroom wall, but not the second one.

    6- Thou shall not PM a friend to be let in when HTE is on

    7- Thou shall not PM a friend after changing thy username and act all indignant when the friend doesn't remember who thou is

    *Note: OK I am going to drop the Thou's and Thy's since I can't even follow what I'm trying to say..

    8- We all want to go xtal Rambo atleast once in a war.. Don't..

    9- SS or it didn't happen

    10- You do NOT need a reason to start an OSW.

    11- Don't claim that "Oh I'm inactive.. Work has been busy.. Yada yada".. When your stats have been increasing at a faster rate than your clan mates

    12- Don't report "plus 1 nf"when half your bar has failed

    13- Item stage in AFF takes priority over booty calls

    14- Give your buddies a few days notice when unlocking an eb

    15- Don't create new clan just because you have 5 alts and 2 friends.. Just.. Don't

    16- Don't bug a friend for build advice, change your build after a week cos you're bored, have ADD or OCD, and blame the friend

    17- If you are visiting a clan and a seal gets dropped from an eb, drop the seal in the clan (atleast let them know you will be dropping it)... If you are the admin/owner of the clan, don't go immediately demanding that they drop the seal (especially after you started a 12 hour eb)

    18- If you are using "lol" a lot in an argument thread, you are the one getting pwned

    19- Thou shall not abuse glitches publicly

    20- If you have OCD, don't do the balanced L1 troop building on the HF land trick (If you don't know why, don't pm Ashes and ask him to share the "Super Secret Special Tricks of KAW handbook")

    Gif break

    21- Never go full PS

    22- If you are dropping a seal, state the rules and soon. Don't help cause more HTE drama than it has in the clans

    23- Statless alts are for players with weak minds and even weaker mains

    24- Don't start a hairy eb when your clan is about to sleep

    25- If you fail twice with the Mage.. Walk away! Walk away!

    26- Anyone who doesn't read the CA and nosh "accidentally" on seal phases shall be kicked and farmed.. Hard

    27- If you have to refresh a BL.. You may not be cut out for PvP

    28- You do not need to make up a story about how you and your council are badasses in an osw for your clan recruitment thread.. A couple of good gifs will suffice

    29- Money can't buy skill

    30- Tapping slow is not the fault of your local internet provider

    31- Never attempt Unicorn rp unsupervised

    32- Asking the devs to give more swag is NOT a suggestion on improving the game

    33- Don't assassinate first in Phase I of TFO, you fascist

    34- If you're getting whupped in PvP, don't go crying to your friends or clan.. Just create more alts

    35- What happens in the third party chat rooms.. Stays in the third party chat rooms

    36- There is no shame in SKO.. Unless you are too slow even for that.

    37- Always check to see if you are the owner of the clan before you leave

    38- Sleep is for the weak

    39- Fail scout bombs to zero a hansel is the only failure acceptable on KaW

    40- If you are making a CF thread, make sure there is a Rick Roll gif

    41- SOS conversion must be done all at once!!! (Oh this is an oldie.. I hope some of you still get the joke)

    42- I love the smell of a full NF in the morning.. Smells like.. Victory

    43- Have you ever gotten so butthurt that you bypassed on their wall?... Don't

    44- If you don't have a witty response to someone's argument, you can always insert a bunchie

    45- If there is an unplanned server outage, relax, take a deep breath, and dream of the free xtal you're about to get

    46- If you suspect a bank in a big eb clan, hit it anyways.. It will always be fun

    47- 10 bars do not make a successful strip

    48- If you are easily offended, yet you keep reading threads like these, you may be a masochist.. Go see the Mage instead

    49- Don't go a gif too far.. Just ask IGCB

    50- Thou shalt not spam your opponents' wall in war when they KO you

    51- Thou shall not quote the entire OP, unless OP chooses a font color that is hard to read

    52- Keep CC clear in EE wars. We know you got KO'ed. Having you litter CC with your face saving excuses and accusations will only cause the team to lose more

    53- Size does not matter. It's what you do with it.

    54- Your build does not matter either. But it helps if you have alts of other builds to gang up on your enemy 

    55- Be mindful of the clan tag you've put on your banner when visiting or warring etc. You are representing the clan by wearing it.

    56- Money doesn't give you the right to be belligerent and boss people around. I know that's what happens in real life but damnit not in this classy game!

    57- Remember when blowing up a reset bomb brought mild satisfaction and a measure of revenge? Well back then the Kode was always have bombs in war

    58- Give mod's a break.. They're human too..

    unless it's Acetown..

    59- HL L4 is a trap!!! Don't upgrade.. Save your gold

    60- Sure sign of an attention seeking garden instrument: By your third post, your statements no longer contain the topic of your argument, instead, they have degenerated into name calling and "come at me brah" and "you suck"

    61- Thy clan recruit ad in wc shall have fancy word art, color coordinated emoji's, use all 3 lines, state min CS, and promise unicorn RP, cookies, or bacon

    62- Terror strips are fun. Terror strips are what make people quit. You just have to keep doing a couple so that they have no gold left even for MP.

    63- When you're in an argument, please check this meme to make sure you're not the one that's an imbecile.

    64- If you get silenced, don't act all innocent and make a forum thread asking why you're unjustifiably silenced.. You'll just get banned.. then you're like the gimp in Pulp Fiction

    65- Never wall your target while the strip is active. This sounds easy but so many people do it. Let them sleep!

    66- Always have aback up link to a picture in case your primary link fails on bbcodes

    67- If you were away, and came back to your home clan, and didn't get the same admin role as before :roll:, don't whine on cc, just pm the owner or senior admin. This is one of the leading causes of passive-aggressive clan dramas.

    68- When you wall Mercs for help, make sure there is an admin at door

    69- "No Support" is reserved for Dirty Larry. If you're tempted to "No Support", atleast offer an explanation

    70- Just because you didn't have a broken sword, doesn't mean that we didn't know that you chickened out ( or "lost the will", or "my mom called" or "my ISP went down" )

    71- You can buy pro-pack equip with Nobs if you log on from a browser. Git those free nobs and buy some pro packs ( Unless you're Metallicana.. Anyone remember that? )

    72- The following are not allowed on WC: Clocks, The sound that the A-10 gun makes, Free Swabia, and certain cakes

    73- When you are at work, just keep the mesmeric ring and talon ring on. We have all unloaded full bars with fail on AFF and TS cos you're sneak kaw'ing while you pretend to listen to your boss

    74- Nested Quoters shall be farmed.. hard

    75- You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave

  2. Thou shall make more beautiful threads such as tis one
  3. Another great thread ashes
  4. Thou shalt not spam your opponents' wall in war when they KO you.
  5. Thou shall not quote the entire OP, unless OP chooses a font color that is hard to read.
  6. 
  7. :lol: nice work again ashes
  8. Bravo Ashes, Bravo *starts slow clap*
  9. Too much funnies

  10. SoS conversion was something I was told over and over, I promptly ignored it :lol:
  11. I'm glad u remembered Wake.. Most people ignored it too
  12. I forget the amount after all these years, and with price cuts. But I think the 2/3 conversion was like 600b at the time, which used to be a HUGE amount
  13. Yea it was actually pretty huge to be saving up for..

    Here's another oldie..

    Ahhh... The FoD days when you let a newbie test the sweet spot and they get the god mode.. Twice
  14. Amazing as always ashes! 

    Lmao I'm surprised the mods haven't locked this yet for "inappropriate images" like they have in the past for mere innuendo memes and bikini clad girls dancing
  15. Ashes, would you be so kind as to be the supervisor for my unicorn rp? No one is willing.
  16. Zorkay, what gives you the idea that I am capable of supervising anything?