 Knights of the Fire Emblem

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by xioxas, Jan 26, 2010.

  1.  much support
  2. Great family clan always support to kotfe. Although oli is a noob 
  3. Support To the Family it is Today
  4.  kotfe is the best family around
  5. Kofte fights their own wars? Or cry to other clans for help?
    Kotfe.....getting beat down by zaft since 2010
  6. And which one still exists? KOTFE, or ZAFT?
  7. Both
  8. An amazing family! I am glad to be a member!
  9. Chubby is so butthurt. I would trash his clans legendary thread but they are far from legend.
    7 months of getting spanked and his mouth is the only thing left moving in zaft. 
  10. I remember when this first came out I was part of Kotfe.
  11. KotFE FamilyLong live KotFE
  12. KotFE will always be legendary. hopefully they make a comeback.
  13. That makes me LOL
  14. Make a comeback? I'm pretty sure we haven't went anywhere..
  15. Im ranked Hero?
  16. golden age where you'd hear about kotfe everywhere, and forums would be constantly talking about them. never said they went anywhere.
  17. This kotfe clan sounds pretty nerdy with all those animated gif pics
  18. This kotfe clan sounds pretty kotfe with all those kotfe kotfe kotfe