Need high stat admins for my new clan

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by xX-_llllMlllllOllOlllN_-Xx, Aug 27, 2017.

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  1. I'm making a new clan and I need some admins that have high stats and are very active. Wall me or post on this forum if you want to become a member of my clan. Then, when I make my clan, I'll wall you that I'm ready for you to join.
  2. A. Not really the place to post this
    B. You want high stat admins but you're tiny
    C. Recruitment threads require more effort
  3. D) Ignore A, B, and C!

    Good luck with your clan moon ;)
  4. Get inspiration from good recruitment threads, like the one of KotFE, then try again.
  5. Locking for low effort
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