Looking for a family clan with sub-clans.

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Resident_Of_Evil, Oct 6, 2015.

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  1. I am looking for a well ran family clan, that has subs so that you can progress to the home clan. Currently a bit above 1m cs in just over 2 days. Please provide me some options, want to progress faster.
  2. No support.
  3. Lol didnt ask for your support, dont need it.

    Plus whats there to support lol.
  4. Low effort thread. You couldn't have said this in world chat?

  5. Um considering i have several times and got no response, no i couldnt.

    Plus posting here, alot more people can see, and not have the frustration of ads flying by at 90mph.

    Its pointless to ask serious questions wc. Anyone should know that.
  6. And what effort could you possibly put into asking for a clan? Come on now lol..
  7. Try Zaft. I hear they're recruiting.
  8. Thanks for the input.
  9. Found a clan.

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