Good Names For MERC Clans

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Karma101, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. S.W.A.R.M.

    Scattered Warriors Are Real Mercs.
  2. :lol:
  3. The Bungas
  4. Roman Praetorian Legion... Oh wait...
  5. Ass Marauders
  6. The best merc clan name is already taken . The one n only MI. May they foverver RIP
  7. 
  8. Or... You know... "Mercs"
  9. Mercaholics
  10. :lol: sounds about right
  11. mmi?
  12. With the forthcoming Star Wars movie...

    "May the Mercs be with you"
  13. Monster Mercs Inc.
    Bad Ass Mercs

    Neither merc anymore to my knowledge, so its understandable that most wouldn't have heard of them.
  14. MERCedes
  15. Your suggestions really suck

    I'd go with mandatory mercs.
    You can call yourselves the m&ms and go out in color groups like blue green brown red yellow
    Some of you can have nuts. They'll be your fighters against other clans.